5. Company After an Injury...

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It's that special day today! Training Day for the Bay City Foxes a.k.a the worst people on the planet. Minus Alex of course. It was 6:30 a.m., and I was so pumped up to teach these boys a lesson that I gave myself a pep talk to get pumped up for the day. I rushed into the shower and prepared myself for the sweat-filled day I was going to have.

I put on my gray sweatpants and jacket, along with my pink tank top and underneath was my black sports bra. I grabbed my pink snapback that read 'Nerdy Girl' on it and my keys, but I knew I couldn't leave without giving Daddy a kiss. I grabbed my backpack, threw it over my shoulder, and headed down the stairs. The smell of a freshly cooked breakfast filled the restaurant and my nose felt very pleased.

"Morning, Baby girl. Where are you going all dressed up like that?" My dad asks while he flips some pancakes on the griddle.

"I'm coaching some rotten football players today. I don't know if I can do this, Daddy." I say while grabbing an orange juice bottle from the mini fridge.

"Honey, well you can do anything if you set your mind to it. Now I know that's cheesy, but it's very helpful. You know, your mother was very persistent. Always was a fighter. You're just like her." My dad nudges my shoulder and rubs under my chin with his fingers.

"Daddy, no sob stories. You'll make my mascara run." I whine as I giggle.

He chuckles as he plates our breakfast.

"There. A big breakfast for a big girl. Look, I even made a smiley face with the bacon!" My dad says as he sets the counter with my food.

He heads towards the other side of the counter with his food and cops a squat right next to me in the blue bar stool.

"Dad, I'm not five anymore. I'm 17. I'm older. I don't like smiley pancakes." I say with a mouthful of eggs.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, sweetie." My dad replies as he cuts into his pancakes.

I excuse myself and finish my food with a closed mouth. I get up to wash my dish when my phone started to vibrate in my backpack side pocket.

I grab it and notice my alarm had just gone off. I'm gonna be late, shoot! I scrub my dish quickly, wipe my hands and ran out the door.

"Blake, you forgot something!" Before I could make it down the sidewalk, I jogged back inside and gave my dad a peck on the cheek.

"Bye, Dad! See you after school and I'll cover your shifts, cross my heart." I promise as I jog back out the door.

I run down the sidewalk and down the four blocks to school. While I jog, I take in my surroundings. I never knew how pretty Bay City really was. Normally, the only things I'd see is the restaurant, the school, and the lake. But the nature in this city is very beautiful. The cypress trees and grass are greener than ever near the school. I was glad I got to breathe in that fresh air.

I arrive at the school and this school had all walks of life: nerds, geeks, jocks, popular kids, hipsters, stoners, Goths, and weirdos. I hope I'm not in one of those categories. I go up the stairs and enter the school. As I walk, it smelt like sweat and testosterone, so I knew the boys were nearby.

The school doesn't open till 9:15, so that meant I had plenty of time to train the boys. I walk out to the field, making sure to completely AVOID the boys' locker room. I arrive at the field and see that the team was already a step ahead of me. I see Alex and wave at him and he responds back with a friendly wave.

"You're late." Will shouts as I set my backpack on the hot metal bench.

"Actually, I'm right on time. 7:00 on the dot." I say, checking my watch.

#CoachNerd || Alex Aiono & William Singe Fanfic: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now