Three Months

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Time Skip: 3 Months
Natsu had started going to school again. He still sat in the seat behind Lucy's old chair. It was empty.
      Suddenly, a girl walked in. She didn't say anything and just walked toward Lucy's empty desk. "Sure you can sit there....Everyone! This is the new student Éclair!" She had long brown hair tied back. Lots of jewelry covering her wrists. Natsu growled at her rudeness. She just automatically stole Lucy's chair, like it belonged to no one.
    Okay, it didn't belong to anyone, but Éclair didn't know that. She just sat it in. The bell rung and everyone got up their seats. Erza, Juvia, and Levy surrounded the new girl with smiles. They started talking, but Éclair didn't say anything. She tried to squeeze through and successfully did so, while Levy was in the middle of a sentence. They all looked at her walk away, and shrugged, guessing she is just shy.
    Éclair almost made it out the door, if it wasn't for Natsu stopping in front of her. "Do you have any manners?!" She backed away once. "They were talking to you and you just completely left them!" Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder. He glanced to see Erza. "It's okay Natsu. No need to make the poor girl feel uncomfortable." Natsu sighed, glaring at Éclair before walking away. "T-thank you." Éclair spoke and Erza turned around to face her. Surprised at first, she smiled, "you're welcome." And left the room.
      "Who does she think she is...waltzing in here acting like she owns the place, and then has no decency when people are talking to her!" Natsu angrily smashed his salad with his fork. "Dude. What did that salad ever do to you?" Gray remarked as Natsu looked at his salad, and all the leaves that are now on the table. "Oops."
     Elfman chuckled along with a smirk, "sounds like you miss Lucy." Gray glared at the clouds, "yea. Now that I think about it, that was how Lucy acted on her first day." Natsu grunted in defense and got up from the table, along with his salad. "Whatever." He picked it up and walked away, throwing it in the trash. He walked inside and headed toward his next class.

Natsu went to Lucy's apartment building, but instead of going up the stairs, he went into the main office to the right. "Hello." A large woman sat in a blue chair. She had a purple plush dog around her neck. "Yes?" She looked up from her book and noticed Natsu. "Oh its you." Natsu nodded. "Here you go." He handed her an envelope. "You sure you wanna keep doing this?" Natsu sighed, nodding. "Yeah. I know she's coming back some time." She took a deep breath and grabbed the envelope. "Your a good friend for doing this for her..." Natsu fake smiled, "thank you." He turned around, and walked out the door.


Are we even that anymore?


      The streets were empty. It was night. And the only thing lighting the sidewalks were the very few street lamps from here and there. Sighing, Natsu kicked a pebble, while his hands were in his pocket. He stared at the moon. He then looked forward. Suddenly, someone with a black hoodie appeared on a few brick stairs that were going up to a building. They had a black sweatshirt on, with the hood covering their head, and dark blue jeans. They were staring at the ground, and Natsu didn't notice them either, until he walked passed them.

As Natsu walked passed the person, the person glanced up and noticed him too. Their eyes meet. And Natsu stopped, staring his head back. Both their eyes widened. He spun his whole body around. The breeze was the only think moving. Everything else was so still. His breath became short. He was suddenly attacked by a tight hug. The person buried their head in his chest. He was too shocked to do anything. He stood there with his eyes facing forward. "Y-your here..." he glared at the top of their hoodie. He pulled it back, revealing golden locks. He immediately hugged her back, tighter than he normal would. "Lucy!" His voice was soft. She gently shook her head, which rubbed against his shirt. They held onto each other so tight, that nothing else mattered. Tears started to form in her eyes. Natsu held his tears back. "W-why are you here?" Lucy pulled back, with a confused look. "You sound disappointed..." Natsu's eyes widened. A sudden panic rushed over him, as he pulled her back into another hug. His chin rested on her hair, as he whispered, "I can never be disappointed to see you." He patted her hair down, as she explained with tears. "I missed you...that's why I came back." Natsu's eyes came to shock. "You came all the way back...just because you missed me?" Lucy whispered, "yeah."  A smile crept to her face. Her arms were wrapped around his back. Tears eventually started forming in his eyes, "I---I've missed you so much too!" Lucy chuckled slightly, "that would suck if you didn't" he let out a tiny laugh.

Natsu leaned up against a tree as Lucy laid sideways, while her head rested in his lap. "Thank you." Lucy stopped twiddling with her thumbs in the air, and twisted her head back to look up at him. He just stared at the sky. Then he gently leaned his head down to meet with hers as he gave out this cutest smile ever. "Thank you for not hating me." Lucy's eyes widened as she scrambled off from his lap and sat in between the gap between his two legs, while she sat on her two legs. She grabbed his jawlines, and stared directly into his eyes, "I would never hate you." A serious expression crossed her face. She leaned forward, and wrapped her arms around his neck. This took him by surprise, but hugged back, while gently patting her back.

"Natsu...I have no place to stay." Natsu smirked, "yea you do!" Her eyes widened in confusion. "I haven't paid my rent in over 3 months." Natsu shook his head, "no, but I have" he let out a wide grin. Lucy immediately slapped his arm. "Why would you go do that, you idiot!" He rubbed his red arm, but sighed. Her intertwined his fingers into Lucy's making her heart skip a beat...or two. He glanced down at her and smiled. "Because this will always be your home." Blushing, she tilted her head to stare at the ground to the right of her. "Thank you..." she whispered. And even though he could hear her perfectly, he still teased. "Huh? What was that?" He held his free hand up to his ear. She grumble, looking at him straight on the eyes with puffed out cheeks. They had stopped walking. "I said thank you!" He smirked, straitening his back as Lucy grunted.

"Don't let go..." Lucy whined as Natsu wrapped his arm around Lucy's neck, as they dangled onto her back. "I don't want to." Natsu sighed. "She hurried her side of her face into his shirt as she looked to her right and stared at the empty sidewalk. "I really don't want to let go..." Natsu added, making Lucy smile. "How come?"
     "Well, because I'm afraid...if I let go, I won't ever be able to hold you again." Lucy removed her head from his chest and meet with his eyes. "I'm all yours. You can hold me anytime you'd like." Natsu smiled, but was still worried, "but what if something happens and I-" he was cut off by a pair of lips. Lucy closed her eyes and Natsu eventually did the same, sinking into the kiss. "Thank you for that." Lucy giggled as she continued to hug him.

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