Natsu's date with Elias

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[A/N- Fun Fact: Elias' original name was supposed to be Nao]

Natsu's POV

I slumped my back with my hands in my pocket and stared up at the sky, pacing a little behind Elias. It was quiet between us. How could I let myself get into this type of situation.

      Oh that's right


"Sorry Natsu. I caught **achoo** a cold **sniffle sniffle**. I-I don't think I can make today. But can you- **cough** can you do me a favor? Can you still hang out with Elias today? **cough cough** I want you two to get along **Achoo** please? F-f-for me?"

"**sigh** okay fine. But you owe me**"

"**chuckle** deal. Thank you. **sniffle**"

**End Of Flashback**

         I have a feeling she was faking...

         I huffed.

        "We're not doing anything so why don't we just go home?" I suggested.

         He stopped walking and looked back at me. "We both promised Lucy that we would hang out today, didn't we? I don't know about you, but I keep my promises, especially the ones I make for Lucy."

          Hearing him talk like that got my blood boiling but I restrained my self. This guy....what exactly are his motives?

            "So what are we gonna do?" I asked, not really caring.

[A/N- Plot twist: Elias and Natsu Fall In Love with each other 😂]

             "Why don't we go to the Museum." I looked at him with a 'c'mon, really dude? Are you kidding me?' Kind of expression. "I find history quite amusing. Mostly cuz it doesn't matter about the chemistry, the most important part is the history." He smirked. I clenched my fist and growled, knowing his reference to him and Lucy. Lucy and I have chemistry, but they have history.
          "Is that a threat?" I snarled. By now, we stopped walking.
           "What if it was? What are you gonna do about it?" Elias shoved my chest. Oh-no-he-didn't. I looked down at his hands that remained on my chest, pushing me back. Growling, I covered my eyes with my hair and glared my eyes at him, grabbing his wrist.
             "Big mistake." I removed his hand, then bent his arm behind his back as I stood behind him. I bent his arm and my eyes widened at the sound of a crack. Fuck.
              "OW! DUDE WTF!!"
             I slowly released my grip and backed away. Without saying another word, I ran off back home. I am screwed.

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