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"What the actual fuck Natsu!" Lucy stomped up to me. Oh-no. The last person I want to see right now. I tried to look up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact. "Why did you do that?" She was pissed.
"He attacked me first!"
"It doesn't matter! He didn't break your arm!" She glared at me with those killer eyes. But they were even more fired up now then ever. I never seen her this mad before. And what kills me inside is that, I'm the one she's mad at. I looked at her, getting angry too.
"What was I supposed to do!?" I snapped back. We kept bickering back and forth.
"How about WALK AWAY!"
I kept my thoughts to myself. It was silent between us. We stood in the empty hallways. Everyone already went home.
"Why are you so jealous of Elias and I?" She questioned, a little more calm.
"I'm not jealous! I just don't trust him." Lucy rolled her eyes.
"I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you make excuses for yourself." She walked passed me as I turned around and watched her leave. I turned back to face the opposite way.

I grew angry at myself. It's all my fault.

My hair covered my eyes as my fist encountered the nearest locker

Lucy's POV

I turn around, just before walking out the doors, when I heard metal breaking. I turned around and my eyes widened in fear. This was not the Natsu I knew. I quickly turned back around, clenched onto my shoulder bag even more, and ran all the way home.

Once I reached my house, I quickly closed the door, panting. I then stared ahead at the darkness. I slid down my door and wrapped my arms around my knees as I used them to cover my head. Why am I crying?

Sighing, I grabbed my phone. I stared at it, remembering Natsu telling me he fixed it up for me after finding it on the ground. He told me this was the reason he remembered me. My eyes clenched at the thought, however I relaxed a bit. I pressed the call button. "Hey? Can we meet?"


I waited underneath a lamppost by the park that Natsu and I played the guitar in. I turned around, looking at the bench that was still there, as an image played in my mind of us playing the guitar on it. I took a deep breath and turned around to see a running Natsu. He approached me, with his hands on his knees. He stood in front of me, panting like crazy. "I-I ran he-ere as s-soon as I-I could." His back stayed bent while his hands were still using his knees as support. He closed his right eye and used his left eye to look up at me, and he followed it with a grin. My heart melted. It's that grin again....

He finally caught his breath, as he straightened up his back. "What'd you need?" He asked.

I took a deep breath in.


"I am breaking up with you."

[A/N- Just cuz I updated a lot on this story recently and I love torturing you guys, I'm gonna cliffhang it right here]

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