Don't let go

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   2 weeks later
Lucy squirmed in bed. She tried so many different positions. However, she finally gave up and woke up with a tear streaming down her face as she sat against the headboard. She then started to cry silently some more. Her dream repeated in her head as her heart ached with pain. She glanced at her phone which laid on a small circular desk to the left of her. She hesitated before reaching over and grabbing it. The bright light blinded her, while her eyes attempted to adjust to it. She looked at the time. Two in the morning. She unlocked her phone and pressed the call button as more and more tears escaped with every sob. Her fingers pressed on a contact as the phone rang a couple times before hearing a tired "hello?" on the other side.
    "Natsu." She cried some more. His voice suddenly flowed with worry, "hey what's wrong?" Lucy continued to cry. "I made a mistake." She wiped under her nose with her sleeve of her hoodie. It was silent before Natsu replied with a heavy sigh. "Do you want me to come over there?"

   "Mhm..." she sniffled. "Okay" he answered before hanging up. Lucy brought her knees up to her chest as her phone dangled in her right hand which was on top of her knee.

She waited. Her eyes not moving from the window.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared near the front gates. Her eyes widened and a gasp escaped her voice. She scurried off the window seat and rushed down the stairs as quickly as she can. She yanked the front door opened and sprinted through down the cold concrete with bear feet. She stepped in a couple puddles but didn't care.
    Natsu's eyes widened in surprise to see Lucy running towards him. Next thing he knew, a pair of arms swung around him. "You came..." she whispered. He was taken aback but he soon melted into the hug. He stroked the back of her hair, "of course I did." He gave a slight smirk. This gesture and those words made Lucy's sobs grow out louder. They stood there, motionless. Everything was quiet. The air was still. But the cold ran up her feet, she didn't move though.

    Soon enough, Lucy's sobs calmed down. The right side of her head was pressed against his chest as she stared out into the grass field that covered the woods. Her voice seemed to ache, "why...? Why is it that you have to be the one I fell for? Why does it have to be someone who ignored me for two years? Who hated me? Who I knew I couldn't trust yet I still call at 2 in the morning when I can't sleep?" All the tears she tried to hold back, suddenly exploded like an active water volcano.
     Natsu was not expecting her to say that. Part of him was beating with joy that she admitted that. But the other part ached in sorrow, grief, guilt, and most of all, sympathy. He didn't know what to say. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't expect to fall for you either." Lucy's ears perked up as her eyes grew with shock. Her heart started to race. "But I did anyways...and I defiantly don't regret it." His voice was so soothing. Like an ocean full of waves that splashed roughly yet gentle against the rocks.

     Lucy's grip on him, tightened. Natsu could feel it, too. "My dad's gone..." she finally brought up. Natsu let out a sigh, "I know...and I'm sorry I left that day. I should've stayed, even if you didn't want me to." Lucy just shook her head. "It's okay...but whatever you do..." she started, then continued....

                      "Don't  Let  Go"

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