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"W-what are you talking about, Lucy?" Lucy's body trembled. It was hard enough to say it the first time.
"Natsu. Please don't make this any harder than it has to be." Her hair fell in front of her eyes.
"But why?" His voice cracked as the words whispered out his mouth. His heart sank. He didn't want this to happen.
"It's because you've grown to jealousy and you've become very angry."
"Only because I was afraid of loosing you!" This took Lucy by surprise. Natsu slowly stepped one foot forward, while placing his right arm on her left. "I'm sorry." He stared directly into her eyes and just for a moment, she was mesmerized.
Lucy snapped out of it and used her right hand to remove his hand from her arm. "I'm sorry Natsu." She turned around and ran back home. Natsu just stayed there, watching her go further and further away. He was speechless, transfixed, and motionless.

The next day at school
Natsu and Lucy passed each other, going opposite directions. Their eyes meet for a moment but they continued to walk, not saying a word to each other. Natsu let his hair fall over his eyes as he walked to class.


Natsu's POV
         It was night time and I needed to clear my head. I grabbed my coat from the coat rack and headed outside. I put my hands in the pockets of the coat and just spaced out while walking. Lucy. Gosh, what did I do? I started to hate myself even more, regretting what I did. What can I do to fix this?

I was brought out my thoughts with a beep of a horn. I turn my head to the right and see bright lights enlarging quickly.

Third POV
"Natsu is where?" Lucy panicked in disbelief as she heard the words coming out of her friends mouth.

"I'm sorry Lu-" before she could finish, Lucy pushed past her and ran out the school doors. Her breathing became heavy as she ran faster and faster with each step.

Idiot! Why does he always do this?

I'm the real idiot, chasing after him all the time.

I hope you're okay...

Lucy arrived at the hospital. She hurriedly scanned for the nearest nurse. "Where is Natsu?!" She questioned. The nurse seemed a little tooken back by this sudden action, "uh-he's in room 427." Lucy didn't hesitate and ran down the halls, hoping to find the room.

As she approached rooms 420 and 421, her pace slowed down. She kept scanning each door, to find which room was 427. Her heart stopped the minute she spotted it. She was frightened to open the door. Her hand reached out, shaking, to the door knob. She twisted it slowly and popped the door open. Her eyes widened at Natsu, who was connected to all sorts of machines. She noticed a little girl with blue hair along with a girl with long white hair sitting in chairs. That must be their mom. The little girl turned around, with tears in her eyes, "LUCY!!" She got up and hugged Lucy. This took her by surprise but she comforted her in return. She looked up at Lucy with very sad, and gleaming eyes, "please! You gotta save Natsu!" Lucy's eyes widened at her request.

"B-but. There's nothing I can do-" Lucy quietly said, looking away from her eyes, with guilt.

Lucy sighed, as Wendy pulled away and went and grabbed her mom. "This is my mom!" She pulled her mom over to Lucy.

Her mom put on a slight smile, "I'm Grandeeney." She reached her hand out and shook it with Lucy's.

Lucy smiled back gently, "I am Lucy."

"Well I have to go talk to the nurse. Will you be okay in here alone?" Lucy nodded her head in response as Wendy and her mother took their leave.


Lucy slowly walked up to the bedside. She looked at the motionless Natsu. His skin was pale and when she went to grab his hand, she was shocked by how cold it was. To her, whenever they hold hands, his hands would always warm hers up. Now, they're just lifeless.

Lucy grabbed his right hand and slowly intertwined her fingers with his. She tilted her head to the side, while tears made their way down on both her sides of her face. "Natsu...I'm so, so sorry." Her eyes clenched. "This is my fault"

**The image for this chapter**

**Beep Beep**

The machine went crazy. Lucy's eyes widened, as she slowly stepped back and turned around, rushing out the door with tears in her eyes. "NURSE! NURSE!" Lucy cried out into the hallway. Her breathing became staccato and she glanced back at Natsu who was twitching.

She cried out into louder sobs as a whole bunch of nurses came into the room.

They pushed her out the room, and Wendy and Grandeeney out the doorway.

"What did you do to my baby?!" Grandeeney yelled at Lucy. Lucy's eyes widened, "I- I di-" She was cut off by Wendy.

Wendy glared at her mom, standing in front of Lucy to protect her, "this was not her fault and you know that!" Mrs. Grandeeney's eyes widened once she realized what she just said.

"I-I-m so sorry"

Lucy put on a fake smile, "it's okay. You are just scared." She wasn't the only one.

They all sat in the chairs outside of the room. It was quiet amongst them.

Lucy's ears perked up as she heard one of the nurses say, "Nurse! He's going to die!"

I Love You [SEQUEL TO 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE']Where stories live. Discover now