Happy Birthday

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[A/N- The song matches perfectly]

[A/N/N- I am happy to let you all know that I will be making a Trilogy of this series~]

[A/N/N/N- yesterday I finished this chapter and published it but I guess wattpad fucked up]

I hopped into the warm bath as half of my head sunk down low, submerging under the water.
My eyes widened as instantly splashed around in the water, trying to get up and out of the tub, only to result in slipping all over again. Tomorrow is my birthday!
I was super excited! My friends always throw a surprise birthday party for me! I was super excited.
I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my hair and body. I then dried off and changed into my pajamas.

Taking a deep breath, I plopped on my bed, and stared at the ceiling. My lights were off by now so I wasn't staring at anything in particular. Even if they were on, there's nothing interesting on my ceiling. Lol.
I began to think to myself and thoughts flooded through my mind! "Oooo maybe I should update my story, When she was happy."

[A/N- omg I am so clever! That story is another one
of my fanfics I wrote! I recommend reading it~]

I quickly stood up from my bed and walked over to my desk. Grabbing my notebook, I scooched the wooden chair out and took a seat on it. I opened the notebook to the chapter I left off on. I brought the pencil up to my chin, tapping it lightly.

Suddenly, a salmon streak flashed ahead of me. My eyes adjusted to see a familiar face just right in front of me. Nearly inches away. His eyes closed as he let out a big breath in relief. He slowly backed away and sat up straight, staring into the pool. I slowly sat up, while my legs stayed out straight. I glanced up at him. "Don't ever scare me like that." From what I can tell, it just seemed like he was wiping a tear out of the corner of his eye. Tears all of a sudden bursted out. I turned to his side and clutched onto his vest, making him look at the top of my head in shock. "You okay?" I shook my head as my body slightly trembled. He leaned his arms back as he gazed up at the stars. I had my arms wrapped around his hips. His hand reached for my hair as he stroke it down gently. "Your soaking wet." I sniffled along with a nod. I release my grasp and wiped my nose. My body shuttered. "Let's take you home." He stood up, reaching his hand out for me. I took a breath while latching onto his hand. The breath was visible under the moonlight. "Thank you."

Sighing, I slammed the pencil down on the desk, and cupped my hands together, putting them out in front of me, resulting in stretching and knuckle-cracking. Yawning, I looked at the time. It was 9:43. I wasn't even tired yet. So I decided to continue I write.

      "You can come in if you want." I gave a fake smile. He was soaking wet too, so I wouldn't want to walk home in the cold. "You sure?" He asked. My mouth opened in response, but no words came out. I suddenly remembered the one person preventing me from bringing him home; my father. Sighing, in guilt, I accepted. "Yea come on in." We slowly took a step inside. "May-belle is that you?" I sarcastically wanted to say, "no it's a burglar! Give me all your money." However, I prevented those words from coming out my mouth. "It's me." Heavy footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. "What are you doing home so late?!" He noticed Storm. "Who's this?" He walked up to Storm. "I'm Storm." My father reached his hand out to shake it with Storm. Storm did the same. Was my dad actually trying to be polite??

I glanced at the time. It was 2 minutes after 10. The darkness and quietness made me a little drousy. My eyes flinched, and kept resisting to stay open. Next thing you know, my head is cupped in my arms, and I was fast asleep.

The morning light shone through the cracks of the blinds, making me squint my eyes. I fluttered them opening as I sat up stretching my arms out forward, yawning like crazy. I smacked my tongue on my mouth and blinked a couple times before looking at the clock. Oh. Shit. Oh well. It's too late now. School's almost over anyways. Oh....but it's my birthday. I took a deep sigh and placed my hands on the edge of my desk, pushing back my chair. I slowly got up from my chair and went to comb my hair.
I put up my hair to the side and went to get changed. I put on a black crop too and a plaid skirt. I then went to my coat rack and picked a purple jacket since it was still cold.

      I wonder where dad is

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I wonder where dad is. He better not gone anywhere without a disguise....
Geez, such a pain.

I started walking around the town. I didn't receive any texts or calls today so maybe everyone forgot. Or they were just to wound up with all the events that's been happening, it didn't even cross their mind.
I took a deep breath as the stars lighted up my figure.
What airheads they are.

Not too long after, I ended up walking back home calling a day. I put my key in the apartment door and pushed it open. The lights were still off but a small glow caught my attention. I glanced over at it and saw a small circular cake on a plate. It had white frosting with a golden strawberry at the top.

[A/N- Asuka's Cake]

      I slowly approached the small square wooden table where I saw my dad sitting

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I slowly approached the small square wooden table where I saw my dad sitting. I didn't take my eyes off the cake. "Wow! Is this for me? I glanced over at him as his arms folded and his eyes closed, while a smirk appeared on his head. He just nodded in response. "WOWWW!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" I walked over to where he was sitting and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Later that night, I was able to fall asleep with a smile on my face. I faced the ceiling as I brought the blankets up to my mouth. At least one person remembered.

I Love You [SEQUEL TO 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE']Where stories live. Discover now