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      [A/N- I'd like to take this moment to show my appreciation for all my followers and supporters! You all have read my stories and I love to hear that you guys enjoyed them~ so thank you all for supporting me❤️! I'd like to thank 2 people in particular for their recent boost of support: bobcats- and dguereca2 ! Once again, thank you all! 🙂]

     "D-dad?" Tears began to fall down my cheeks as my hand covered my mouth. I kept sniffling, "b-but you're dead!"
              My 'dad' slowly approached me reaching his hand out to comfort me as I flinched, dodging his hand by moving back a little. "NO! STOP IT!!! GO AWAY! YOU'RE NOT REAL!" I broke down, crying into full on tears. My knees began to shake as I fell to the ground, holding my hands up to my chest as I leaned forward. [A/N- kind of like Asuna's position when she was crying over Yui. I'll include a picture].

 I'll include a picture]

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Third POV
      "Lucy...I'm real." Lucy heard him but just kept on sobbing. She barely had enough energy to talk.

After Lucy calmed down, she sat on the couch, across from her father. Elias made tea for everyone and was now sitting next to Lucy. No one said a thing yet, but they all wanted to say something. Just didn't know how.
      Lucy took a deep breath as she settled down her teacup on the coffee table, causing it to echo throughout the silent room. She closed her eyes while doing so, and straightened her back, while placing her now-folded hands on top of her lap. "How are you alive?" She finally broke the silence, as she sighed immediately after.
It took a while before he found the courage to respond. "Well I was starting to drown in debts that I couldn't pay off..." he started, taking a deep breath, and then continued, "and if I didn't pay them off, they would start taking money from you. And trust me, that is legal."
Lucy's eyes widened, "so you faked your death to avoid paying off your debts and so I didn't have to pay them...." this was a lot to take in. She stared at her hands folded in her lap, in deep thought.
"Oh, and there's one more thing...." Lucy perked her head up and looked at him with anticipation and curiosity. He looked directly in her eyes, "I want you to come back and live with me." Lucy's eyes widened as this took her by surprise, like it would with anybody. He then started explaining why, "this whole experience taught me how easy it is to die. And I want to spend as much of my time with you as I can, before either of us do so." He gave a slight smile. She was on the verge of tears, but held them back and no one seemed to notice.
She didn't say anything; she just stood up and hung the purse over her body, diagonally. She walked over to the door. They both looked at her with confusion.
"Where are you going?" Jude asked. Lucy turned her head for a moment.
"I just need some time for myself." She gave a slight smile and then turned her head back round, opening the front door. The bright glare of the sunlight almost blinded her as the sun was already setting. The orange sky lit up half her face as she walked out the door, closing it behind her.
She headed off in no where in particular as her thoughts rattled in her brain.

He wants me to live with him?

I mean, there's nothing holding me back-


Lucy's POV

I reentered the home. They both were in the same position I left them in. They stared at me as I walked through the door. "Oh, hey bukiyōna!" He gave a big smile and a wave as I just chuckled at the gesture. I took a seat next to him and looked at my dad.
          "I have made my decision"

           "I will live with you...."

I Love You [SEQUEL TO 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE']Where stories live. Discover now