The Part-Time Job

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[A/N- I did not plan this story out well. Ok so I'm making this up just now since I wrote down in previous chapters that Natsu and Elias both were childhood friends of Lucy. Okay so Elias is one of the Heartfilia's partner's son. Elias and Lucy would hang out all the time and play when their parents meet together for business; which was quite frequently. He grew up rich too. Then around 14, Natsu stopped talking to Lucy (explained in the Chapter 'Memory Lane') and that made her upset, angry, furious, lonely, sad, and all other kinds of emotions. So she would hang out with Elias more often. And when she ranted to him, he would listen and give her advice. He would do his best to console her. And Lucy was grateful for this and she fell in love with him and started to date. But they broke up a year later, as a mutual agreement that they were better off as friends.]

      I walked into the school and was bombarded by Levy. "Where were you yesterday?! That was one less day we get to spend together! Especially since today is the last day of school!"
        "Heh heh....sorry. I kinda over slept" I scratched the side of my cheek while looking away. She didn't mention anything about my birthday yet. Maybe she did forget after all...
         "Oh Lulu!" This caught my attention. I glanced at her in curiosity. Maybe not...
          "Uh yeah, Levy?"
            "Starting tomorrow, and for the next week, my mom will be short on staff at her bakery so do you think you could come help us out?" This has to be a set up! This is obviously a ploy to make me come, thinking she needs help, when in reality, it's a surprise party for me! I knew she didn't forget.

          "Uh yeah, Levy?"            "Starting tomorrow, and for the next week, my mom will be short on staff at her bakery so do you think you could come help us out?" This has to be a set up! This is obviously a ploy to make me come, thinking s...

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         "Sure, I'll come" I snickered, trying to play along.
      Levy folded her hands behind her back and quickly spun around, "great! See you then!" She then walked away.

       I said my goodbyes to all my friends. It was upsetting since we're all seniors and will be graduating in a couple of weeks. Will Natsu be graduating with us?
I reached my had out for the door. However, the door opened before I even got to touch it. The person opened it had their head turned, while they were laughing, while waving their hand as a goodbye towards Levy, who was behind the counter. The person then turned their head and our bodies stood inches away from each other as our eyes meet.
"H-h-hey Elias...." he stood there motionless.
      "Hey Lucy..." he smiled.

[A/N- they're alone in Levy's shop except for one employee. Levy left to go buy some more groceries and her mom arrived early in the morning to open up but left not log after to run errands]
     "Did you actually do that?! If I was dumped that way, I wouldn't even be upset." I held onto my stomach as laughter escaped my throat.
     He wiped a tear from his eye, "yeah! It was great." A smile stayed on his face as he took a deep sigh. He took a sip out of his coffee cup.
His eyes then meet mine and the mood suddenly transformed into seriousness. "Your birthday was 2 days ago, right? Sorry I didn't stop by before and wished you a happy birthday. Or went to school the last 2 days. I was working at my part-time job and they asked me to come in and fill in one of my co-worker's shifts. They thought that school ended a week ago so I had no choice but to accept." He chuckled slightly at the thought.
       "Why do you need a full time job all of a sudden?"
        He smirked, while reaching behind him and pulling out a black felted box. "Isn't it obvious? I needed to afford your birthday present." He slowly lifted the box and my eyes widened.
"Elias! Thank you so much! It's so beautiful!" A wide smile appeared across my face.
I grabbed the silver necklace from the box and held it in my hands. I gazed at it for a long time, admiring the texture. Elias got up from his chair and walked over to me. He knelt on the ground, beside my hand that was holding the locket. I glanced at him with anticipation as he opened the small circle at the bottom of the necklace, not removing it from my palm. As he did so, his breath softened, "its not just a necklace. It's our most precious memory."
My eyes widened, as I remember posing for this picture. His tiny arms carried me bridal-style, as I kissed him on cheek. A blush appeared on his face.
"The day we meet...." I said quietly, staring at the photo remembering that day.


[A/N- This was when they were like 6]

"We're almost there Lucy~" a gentle voice echoed in my ears as I looked up at mama while I sat on her lap in the back of the limo. I then crawled off her lap and placed both my hands against the glass window as I stared at the approaching building in awe. It was a white castle-looking building with light blue to outline the top edges. It was way bigger than the Heartfilia estates. The limo drove closer to it as the gates opened up to accept our arrival.
"We got grown-up stuff to do so why don't you run around and play with Elias." My dad suggested with a smile.
"Who's El-as?" I looked up at my father in confusion.
"I am!" An energetic voice came from behind as I turned around and my eyes glistened at the sight of another person my age.
"Well, how do-you-do?" I did a courtesy bow with my legs crossed, and a smile. Chuckles were heard from the adults.
He approached me, and took my hand, and kneeled to the ground. He kissed the top of my hand. "And who might this faire lady be?"
"I am your princess~" I smirked, while he followed, smirking as well.
"Oh is that so?" His then picked me up and spun me in the air as I giggled.
"P-put me down! Put me down!" I huffed with laughter as he gently set me back on the ground, and we both laughed.
"Shall we?" He reached his left hand for me to take. I was about to do the same but was stopped by my moms voice.
"Oi! Wait! Not so fast! Lets take a picture of you two. You will thank me later for this~" she winked as she scurried through her purse. "Ah here we go!" She pulled out a small Polaroid camera. Elias than picked me up bridal style and a faint blush appeared on my cheek. But I decided to play a long and pressed my lips against his cheeks. He was so confused, he didn't know what to do. He just had this transfixed look on his face. I giggled at his reaction.


The sound of the camera brought Elias back to life. He put me down on the ground and his face turned red, "no wait! Do another one!" He pleaded.
My mom examined the picture as soon as it came out of the camera. A smirk appeared, "no way!" She then walked off with my dad and Elias mother.
"Ahhh!! What's that??" I screamed, pointing at a brown furry animal.
"That's Spot! He's our dog."
Tears enveloped in the corners of my eyes as I hid behind Elias, grasping onto his clothes. "Please....get him away from me!" I bursted out into full on cries as my body began to tremble. Elias glanced back at me, worried.
He then looked at his dog straight in the eye, "don't worry, princess..." he glanced back at me with a smile as I looked up at him with my bulging brown eyes. "I'll protect you~"
"Okay!" I closed my eyes and smiled as a small laugh escaped. [^_^]

End Of FlashBack


I looked at Elias and he looked back at me, and both of our eyes widened. I tilted my head a little to the side. "Thank you~"
He smiled in return and stood up from the ground, grabbing the necklace out of my hands. "It's only fitting if your knight puts on the princess' jewelry." He walked behind me and I blushed unknowingly. I then reached behind my neck and lifted my hair. He brought the necklace up in front of my chest and clipped it in the back. He released his grip from the necklace as I let my hair fall back down to my shoulders. I swoop the necklace with my right hand, and stare at it for a moment, before looking over my left shoulder up at Elias. "Thank you, again." We just smiled at each other. We didn't notice how long until jingles were heard from the door entrance. We both glanced over and saw a petite girl standing there.
"Oh Lucy! You weren't supposed to come in until later." She then noticed Elias. "Hey Elias! You're still here?"
He nodded, "yeah, on my way out I met up with bukiyōna here, on my way out."
I stood up from the chair, and grabbed a couple of grocery bags from Levy's hand. "I know, but I wanted to get an early start!" I chuckled.
"This is gonna be so much fun!"


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