22 - Old Enemies, New Comrade

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"It's already been four days since the second exam began."

As Sasuke was speaking to the others, I poked at the fire with a stick.

"Well, we're sure not going to break any records." I said as I set the stick down. "And we only have twenty-four hours left."

"I wonder how many of the other teams have already gotten their scrolls and finished." Sakura added on quietly.

"We have to face it," I said, suddenly put down, "there may not be any heaven scrolls left."

"Well, that's a cheerful thought." Sasuke responded, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe so, but it's true." Sakura nodded.

"Look, you said it yourself, Sasuke. This is the fourth day we've been out here. That means we've already used up eighty percent of the time we've got to complete the exam." I sighed. "Only thirteen teams can pass because there are only thirteen pairs of heaven and earth scrolls. You've got twenty-six teams, seventy-nine candidates out looking for them. And if those odds weren't bad enough, things have gotten even worse. Don't forget that Orochimaru burnt the heaven scroll we had."

"Yeah, I remember."

"The number of complete pairs of scrolls that could be found was reduced by one right there. Not to mention all the ones that have been found and secured by other teams since then." I finished.

Sasuke glanced between our Earth Scroll and me. "Maybe we gave ourselves too much time to rest and recover from our last fight, I don't know. What I do know is that we've got to get serious now and make up for lost time.

The next enemy we face could be our last chance."

He got up and beckoned me to come along. When I stood up, he started walking away, leaving me to follow him.

"We're going to get water." He said to the others before we were out of sight.

Our walk was in partial silence, the only sound being nature. I wasn't sure why he wanted me to come along, but I didn't ask, because we might just be collecting extra water to take with us instead of him just wanting company.

Or maybe it was because he wanted us to be with someone at all times. Right, no one should be alone out here.

That was it.


As we were walking back to the place where we had left the others, we noticed something. It was quiet.

We approached the site, and saw three people–more than we had left. We ran over, thinking it was an enemy. However, we found out that he had helped us more than he could hurt us.

The other two were going to open the scroll, which was strictly against the rules. Although I had never trusted Kabuto, I was very thankful for him being here now.

After explaining everything that had happened to us, we stood around the fire and talked.

"I can't believe you guys!" I said, disappointed. "Our proctor made it completely clear that we could not open the scrolls under any circumstances!"

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