27 - Chunin Exam Part 3 : A Taijutsu Tournament

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Asuma and his team had caught me up on the abilities and jutsu of the others that had won their matches. They had focused mostly on the person I had been matched with–Kankuro.

I had already known that he was a puppet master, but they went into further details. He apparently had gone up against someone whom we didn't know, but they had snapped the puppet's neck. Everyone thought it was over, until his real self had come out and nearly crushed his opponent to death with the puppet.

I wasn't sure who was going to go first, but I believed we both were ready at that moment.

I heard murmurings in the crowd whispering my name.

"Her match is next!"

"The last of her clan!"

"Whoever this Kankuro guy is, I'm sure he's nothing compared to her."

That gave me my answer, and I took a few steps back.

I glanced carelessly at the proctor. He was new and I didn't know his name.

"Your name?" He asked me quickly.

"(Name) Yuki." I answered.

"Well, I know it's somewhat rude to be showing up all flashy like this." Kakashi Sensei said. "Were these two–disqualified?"

"So your habit of tardiness rubbed off on them? Cripes. Anyway, it's all right, their matches have been postponed anyway. Your arrival was barely in time, but...they haven't been disqualified." The proctor answered.

He gave a slight chuckle. "And your match is–looks like his name is Kankuro?"

I nodded.

Kakashi Sensei gave me a reassuring pat on my shoulder. I wasn't sure I needed it, but I thanked him anyway.

He and Sasuke both left for the second floor, while Kankuro made his way down. By the look on his face, I could tell he was a little nervous. He had been here to watch the last fight, my preliminary fight, but I hadn't been there to watch his.

He stood in front of me, his face now more readable, showing a bit of foreboding emotion.

"Looks like I finally get to pay you back for what you did to Konohamaru, huh?" I taunted him, fixing my posture to where I was standing up straighter.

I saw him gulp, and he said nothing.

Watch the puppet, I reminded myself, and remember your training. Focus. You can win this, (Name). For the pride of the Yuki Clan.

"We will now begin the second to last match of the first round–Kankuro and (Name). Are there any objections?"

He stiffened, but he shook his head. I grinned and crossed my arms.

"All right. You guys know the rules. You can start when you're ready." He finished, then took a step back from us.

Contrary to my preliminary round, I decided to make the first move. Watching his hand movements, I lunged at him, focusing mostly on my speed. I jumped around him, circling him, trying to confuse him.

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