39 - Don't Forget Me

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That night, I thought about it more. If he left, what would it be like? For everyone else? For me?

Sasuke was the only thing I had left of my childhood. I had gone through so many tragedies, and I wasn't ready to lose anyone else yet.

But then, if he did leave, what did I do then? Did I go with him? Did I stay and see if he would come back for me? I wasn't sure.

I hadn't even met Mieko before, and she was offering power to me. She wasn't the one who gave me my curse mark. She had never appeared before me before.

Was she afraid? Probably not, she was one of the Legendary Yonin. Did she maybe have a reason why she couldn't do it herself? Possibly.

I couldn't be sure of anything anymore. I fell asleep after these thoughts, with even more running through my mind.


I awoke the next morning with tears staining my pillow. I got up, ignoring it, got ready, and then sat in my bed a while after.

Then, there was a sudden rapping at my door. I jumped out of bed and ran to the door, and opened it. Outside stood Shizune, Lady Tsuande's assistant, with her pig Tonton in her arms.

"I'm very sorry to bother you." She chuckled nervously. "But, Tsunade-sama needs to see you immediately."

"Another mission?"

"No, nothing like that. I'll explain on the way."

I nodded and walked outside, closed the door, and locked it behind me. We started to walk to Lady Tsunade's office together as she talked.

"So, we had one of our jounin go on a mission as a ninja escort and protector to the Land of Water." She told me. "While they were there, they met someone who they think you might know. Tsunade-sama will tell you the rest."

"Okay. Thanks."

She nodded and smiled.


When we got there, Lady Tsunade welcomed me quickly and then held out a photo to me. She and Shizune both tensed as they watched me turn it over, making me confused.

As I examined it, my heart pounded. The man in the photo had medium length, straight brown hair and soulless (color) eyes, his facial features resembling mine greatly. The man in the photo–

–was my father.

I clenched my fist around the photo, making it wrinkle as I tried to keep my face calm.

He's still alive...He's still out there. And wandering freely in the same Land...

After what he did...He should be dead!

Feeling the drop in positive chakra and the intense rise in negative chakra, Tonton ran to the far corner of the room in fear. As Shizune went to retrieve the scared pig, Lady Tsunade started her story.

"A few days ago, I sent one of our jounin on a mission to the Land of Water. You've only met him a few times, so his name isn't important, only that he knows you very well. Anyway, he was being a spy for us to make sure the Hidden Mist wasn't planning anything against us, as you know things have been tense with us and all of the other ninja villages." She told me. I nodded, taking my eyes off of the picture and putting them on her.

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