42 - Team Separation

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"He's the only one here." Shikamaru commented as the wall finished crumbling to the ground.

"Seems like the others went ahead." I nodded.

Neji took a look around with his Byakugan. "Yeah. They're not around here anymore."

"Damn..." Shikamaru sighed, "just when we thought we caught up."

The man lifted his hands and applauded us slowly. "Everybody, you did well...for some losers." He spat out the last word, making me clench my fists so tightly that they turned purple.

"What?" Naruto said angrily to the enemy.

"Who are you calling losers?" Kiba asked with nearly the same tone.

Both of them ran forward with the intention to hit him head-on, but I knew it was dangerous.

"Stop it, you two!"

They screeched to a halt at the sound of my voice, turning back to face me.

"It's dangerous to face him head-on right now." I said to them.

"We broke through the barrier!" Kiba protested. "We can do this!"

"I'm your squad lea–oh, why do I even try?" I sighed, watching them get ready to use their jutsu.

Kiba went forward with his Tunneling Fang move, and immediately got kicked down by the man. Naruto tried his Shadow Clone Jutsu, but the clone was merely knocked to the side and he got head butted into the tree.

The enemy turned to those of us remaining. "You guys are my meal!" He said threateningly. He lunged forward and hit Kiba with his shoulder forcefully, knocking him down again. Naruto tried to attack him from behind but got kicked down also.

"Not even good enough for an appetizer!" He laughed, looking down at them.

He made a hand sign, which I recognized from only minutes ago.

"Be careful, everyone!" Shikamaru warned us. "Another tricky one is coming!"

"Earth Dome Prison..." He muttered again.

"Human Boulder!" Choji retaliated at nearly the same time. As he was distracting the enemy, I made a sign to flee. We fled into the forest to talk.

"There's no time." I said quietly, looking around at the team. "We're going to split into two here."

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"I see..." Neji nodded at my statement, glancing at the enemy from where we were. "Even at six against one, with our chakras taken away, he's not someone we can easily defeat...

If we take our time, Sasuke will cross the borders. If that happens, we won't be able to handle this on our own. So we split up–one team to stop him, and one to go after Sasuke, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well, alright. Since we have two squad leaders, one of us will be going on each team." Shikamaru said. "(Name)–"

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