Neji's Birthday Special

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[This chapter has nothing to do with the actual plot, it's just celebrating a certain character's birthday. You may skip it if you want. This is kind of a modern-ish version of Naruto I guess.]


Rifling through the shelves in the small convenience store so fast that I look like I'm prepared to steal something? Yep. That was how it usually went on someone's birthday.

Remembering everyone's birthdays was something I wasn't blessed with. In fact, I forgot most of my friend's birthdays.

...and then I had to get them last minute gifts.

So, whose birthday was it this time? It was July 3rd, Neji Hyuga's birthday.

Neji wasn't the person for huge celebrations or even celebrating his birthday in general. That was why–as soon as I found him a gift–Hinata and I were going to spend the day with him and practically force him to have fun.

I found and settled on some brand new homemade kunai and shuriken that they were selling, payed for them at the counter, then left to go meet them.

When I got there, Hinata told me that she planned to spend the day at the house. She gave me a few ideas of what we would be doing–it sounded like a lot of fun, actually.

"Well, first of all, we have to make a cake." Hinata told me as she walked me to the kitchen, pointing at the ingredients stacked up on the counter.

"I wanted to go out and buy one, but none of us seemed to have time with all of our missions. I figured that we could bake one instead, then."

I nodded, looking around. She then motioned to the screen door. "I invited a few others over, including the rest of Neji's team...and my team. Father helped me set up outside in case we wanted to play anything, use the pool, or wanted to just sit out there.

After it gets a little dark, we'll sing happy birthday and have him open his gifts. I set up places to sleep for everyone across the house, so you'll all be able to stay over."

"That all sounds great." I sighed. "I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. Thanks for setting all of this up."

She nodded. "The others are coming in an hour or two. We should start making the cake now so it's baked and cooled off by the time they get here."

"Alright. Is the birthday boy helping us?" I raised an eyebrow as I shuffled through the ingredients of the cake.

"I'll go ask him." She started to go down the hall as I sorted the ingredients. As I finished doing so, Hinata walked back in with a very annoyed looking Neji.

Well, I take that back. That's how he normally looks. However, surprisingly he said yes to our offer of helping.


Everything was going good up until we used the flour. I thought it would be a little more fun to throw some at the two of them, and so I did.

Both of them turned to me, surprised, but I kept a calm smile on my face as I grabbed another handful of the flour and hit Neji straight in the face with it.

"Why, you little..." He muttered while Hinata laughed. He reached for the container and grabbed some, throwing it at both me and Hinata.

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