Chapter One

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"Where's Luke?"



"Where the hell is that boy?"

That seemed to be the question of the morning, as his three band mates ran around the studio playing their famous game of Where's Luke. It was almost like Where's Waldo? but instead, they where trying to find the youngest member.

"It's never taken us this long."

"We need to find him now."

"What do you think we are trying to do? Make cake?"

They started yelling at each other, when their manager, Jeff, came in and looked around.

"No Hemmings?" He asked, and took a sip of his coffee.

Ashton turned towards him, "We were playing Where's Luke, but we honestly can't find him."

"Did you look on the roof?" Jeff asked, looking at the three boys.

"Why would he be up there?" Calum asked, looking between everyone.

Jeff shrugged, "Just go take a look to see if he's up there boys. We start recording at eleven."

The three lads nodded, before finding the closet stairwell that would take them all the way up to the roof. Once they found said staircase, the three Aussies took the stairs two at a time, the drummer in the lead, worried about Luke. He knew Luke has had hard times before and knew about the bipolar and self harm. Ashton had been there just in time for Luke to hit rock bottom, and he slowly grew feelings for the younger troubled lad. They flung the door open to see Luke, laying on his back, eyes closed but his chest rising and falling peacefully.

Ashton let out a sigh of relief, his mind was jumping towards the worst. He slowly moved over to what looked like a sound a sleep boy, and nearly spoiled his pants when Luke screamed 'Boo!'

Luke crackled with laughter, holding his stomach and tears brimming in his eyes he was laughing that hard, while Calum and Michael chuckled, but Ashton just looked down at the boy, with a hand over his heart and taking deep breaths, only adding more fuel to the fire.

After they had all calm down, and Calum called Ashton out on the yelp, that made him sound like a Girl Guide on fire, which lead Michael to ask how he knew what that sound like. Calum just shrugged his shoulders, and earned a chuckle from Luke, and a thump on the head from Michael.

The four of them started back down the stairs, taking one at a time and chatting loudly; all expect Luke. He was lost in the dark places on his mind, not responding when Calum asked him a question.


"W-what?" The blonde replied, his attention forced back on the people in front of him.

The three other boys shared a knowing look but Calum repeated his question, "Are you excited for touring with One Direction?"

"Totally, who wouldn't be?" Luke replied, trying to play off the fact that he was being what his doctor would call 'depressed'

Ashton sighed softly, and snaked an arm around his waist, giving his hip a gentle squeeze, almost a way to say in here for you, with out saying anything. Luke melted into his touch, looping his pointer finger through his belt loop. Michael and Calum shared a look, before pushing the door open to walk back into the AC part of the studio.

Jeff was leaning on the door frame, quickly typing away on his iPhone, trying to make plans for the boys and buy their plane tickets and make sure Luke had enough medicine for the trip, just in case something was to trigger. You just have to be extra careful.

After they all are rounded up, they all walk down to the meeting room, Ashton and Luke dropping a little behind, Ashton worried about Luke who had fallen quiet, and stayed close to Ashton, just giving his cheeks pecks every once in a while. The pair wondered into the room after everyone else, taking a seat on the love couch, both snuggling up. When Luke's forehead pressed against Ashton's tan skin, the older boy jumped, not expecting it to be hot.

"You're burning babe, we need to get you home and into bed." Ashton murmured, kissing his temple.

" Can we just snuggle here? I don't want to go anywhere right now." Luke murmured, his eyes getting heavy.

Ashton sighed and nodded, pulling Luke on top of him, and playing with his hair as he slowly fell asleep. Once Luke was asleep, Ashton sighed, making Calum and Michael look over at the pair. They all shared a knowing look, before going back to what they where doing.

Luke slept for another two hours, before Ashton had to wake him up for lunch.

"C'mon babe, you need food."

"No," Luke mumbled groggily, "I need sleep and you."

Ashton chucked lightly, "Smooth, but you need to eat something."

"Find, where to?" Luke said, sitting up and looking around the meeting room.

"I dunno, let's ask Mike and Calum." Ashton offered, before getting off the love seat and going to find the boys.

Luke sighed softly to himself, feeling himself slowly slide backwards. He feels himself slowly falling back into the black hole he called his life for two years, slowly coming back around. But he needed to fight it; for the fans, the boys but mostly for Ashton.

Ashton came in as soon as Luke hit rock bottom, and helped piece him back together. Ashton ment a lot to Luke, but Ashton will never know how much. You could say they are official, but they haven't gone out on any dates or done anything like that.

But Luke didn't need all those things to know that Ashton loved and cared about him, it was what Ashton did for him; the snuggles, the kisses, and how he was always there for the younger lad.

Luke smiled to himself, and got up from the love seat, with a soft smile on his face.


A/N: hope you all are liking it so far c: comment #ScaredAshton or #WorriedLads if you enjoyed!






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