Chapter Eleven

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Dedication; @flawlesscumberbatch bc she commented on like every chapter and her comments where amazing (✿◠‿◠)



"Make sure you have all your meds," Ashton reminds Luke, as he shoves another band t-shirt into an overflowing suitcase. 

"I do, I will just have to ring the doctor a week before I run out, so he can ship them to me," Luke replies, sighing softly as he hands Ashton a jumper, "I honestly can't wait to go, and see other places then Australia." 

"I know...and to think in four months we will be in America, that doesn't seem possible," Ashton comments in awe.

"When you say that, it seems like everything is going to go by too fast," Luke murmurs, playing with the hem of his Blink-182 t-shirt. 

"What do you mean Luke?" Ashton asks, pausing on packing to turn to his boyfriend. 

"...That it's going to happen too quick and then we'll be back here. I'm not even expected to get signed or anything, I just-- I don't know Ash." 

"C'mere," Ashton says, turning towards Luke with open arms. 

Luke steps closer to Ashton, wrapping his arms around the older lad's neck. Strong arms wrap around his waist, and pull him flush to the older boy's chest. Ashton rubs the pad of his thumb over the younger lad's hip bone, rocking them back and forth to a made up beat. With a hum from a random tune, the two sway back and forth to the unheard muisc. 

"Luke, listen," Ashton started, "Are you listening?" 

Luke nodded, "Loud and clear." 

"Think positive about this; this whole tour is going to be promoting our band. Our music will get out there, and who better then one direction who has a huge fan base to get us out there. We have been waiting to get signed for a while Luke, maybe this is just what we need," Ashton explains, rubbing small circles into Luke's arm. 

Luke nods, and smiles softly, "You always know what to say." 

"Kiss me you fool," 


Getting through the airport was the easist part, it was getting onto the plane. Luke clucthed Ashton's hand, his fear of airplanes crawling up his throat. Once in the seat, Ashton didn't let go of Luke's hand, and the ladder was very thankful of that. 

"Sleep, everything will get better, I promse," Ashton murmurs, after a very painful take off. 

Luke simply nods, and snuggles into Ashton. 


He's running, from something, but he doesn't know what.

"Faster, faster, you have to out run it." His mind screams. 

His calfs burn from over use, and he can barely get enough breath in; but he can't stop running. Putting more distant between him and whatever is coming after him. All he knows is that he must out run it, even if it kills him. He sees a forest in front of him; A thick one with many trees. He must be careful, and watch where he places his foot; for if put in the wrong place might result in him smacking his head against the groud. 

 He heard the growling behind him, willing his feet to move faster. 

'God, please don't let me die,' Luke prayed, hoping that someone up above could hear his pleads. 

Not being careful where he places his foot; he finds himself falling, but not hitting the floor. He closes his eyes; and enjoys the free fall. After what felt like falling for hours, he cracked his eyes open. He was curled up into a ball, with walls around him. Looking up, he could see people in chairs. Slowly rising to his feet, he heard the fimilar growling from a side. 

He couldn't excalty tell what side, but he sucked in a breath, slowly moving around in a circle. He notices that there is a cut in a wall, and he slowly moves through it, and makes sure to keep throwing a look over his shoulder. He slowly moved away from the growling, and the faint whispering that sounded like Ashton. 

'Luke, Luke,' He whispered, and Luke slowly followed the sound of his voice. 

'It's like I'm stuck in a maze,' Luke thought, and concertated on only Ashton's voce. 

Once he got to a door, everything went black.'

"Luke! YOu need to get up!" Someone screams.

He can't remember what happened; he can't open his eyes lids, which are feel like bricks. All he remembers his blood everywhere, not able to remeber who caused it; his blade or something else. He can hear someone sobbing not to far away, and he wants to reach out and calm them. But he can't, his body feels like lead. He can hear fracnit footsteps around him, and he can feel the life slowly seap from his body. He takes his last breath, with a small smile on his face. 


"Luke, Luke, you need to get up now," Ashton's hot breath tickles Luke's ear. 

"wa.." Luke murmurs, his eyes cracking open. 

"We need to get off the plane now," Ashton replies, waving their fingers together. 

The groggy lad slowly sits up and rubs at his eyes. The older one, guides him to his feet,  and holds him close to him. The younger one wraps his jacket tighter around him, and puts the hood up, eye sight falling to the floor. He followed behind the other lads, not trying to stay in the converstation. The guys knew that Luke was still in a sleepy state; but only if they knew about the dream he had. 



Stay tuned! and I wonder what Luke's dream means.... 

Comment your thoughts below? 




P.S, can anyone make those movie trailers? PM me if you can xoxo 

Something I need [Lashton] ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora