Chapter Twenty-One

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[Second to last chapter, I know, so sad. :( but please check out my new calum hood au, the fault in her stars, loosely based off of TFiOS]

"The men where put in jail, for twenty-five years," Ashton says, a wide smile on his face.

"Really?" Calum asks, jumping up.

"I think they should get more time," Michael murmurs, "Do you see what they did to Luke?"

"Yeah I know what they did to Luke was wrong, but... we can't march down to the police office at demand that they are thrown in jail for a longer time," Ashton explains, "Plus, by the time they get out, we should be winding down our carries, and starting families and yeah.."

"Still, they should be at least in jail for thirty years."

"Michael," Calum steps in, looking over at him, "Just drop it okay?"

Michael sighs, and crossing his arms over his chest, a pout written on his face. Ashton takes another sip of his coffee, and Calum's phone keeps buzzing, alerting him that he has unread text messages. It goes on for ten minutes, until Michael asks, "Can your phone stop having a spaz attack?"

Calum blushes, "Uh..Sorry."

"Who is it?" Ashton asks, looking over at Calum.

"It's....a friend," Calum says, not wanting to give away his secret.

Ashton and Michael rolled their eyes, knowing he was lying but decided to drop the subject for the time being.


Ashton took Luke to get tested for STDs, and luckily the test came back clean. A weight was lifted off of both lad's chest, as they walked out of the clinic hand in hand. The fans still had no idea why Luke had disappeared off the face of the earth for a good three and a half weeks, but soon they would know. The lads where in the middle of setting up a twitcam, and Luke would explain everything, and maybe him and Ashton would come out to the fans.

They walked close to each other, backs of hands brushing each others, but made no move to interlink their fingers together. Luke wanted to get back to the hotel as fast as possible, and Ashton knew that. Hooking his arm around Luke's waist, he hauled for a taxi. It was hard the first few days that Luke was back with them; he was afraid of every little last touch. They fed him well, needing to get some meat on his bones again. The couple got into the taxi, and watched the skyscrapers around them blur into one picture.

Luke put his head on Ashton's shoulder, "Thank you."

"For what?" Ashton asks, looking down at the younger boy.

"For ever little last thing you did for me, it means a lot."

Ashton smiles, and finds his hand, interlocking their fingers and giving him a soft squeeze.


Quickly getting out of the cab, Ashton threw the guy a twenty, and told him to keep the change. The two lads quickly got into the lift, which took them to their hotel room. Quietly walking down the hotel hallway, hand in hand, what they opened the door to shocked them to say the least. They had walked in on Calum and Michael kissing, and Luke let out a surprised noise, which broke the two apart. Calum went bright red, and hide his face in Michael's chest. Ashton jaw drops, and Luke starts giggling.

"How long?" Ashton chokes out.

"About three and a half weeks," Calum squeaks, who still hasn't move his face out of Michael's chest.

Michael chuckles lightly, and run his hand over Calum's shoulder blades. The younger boy slowly pulls his face from Michael's chest, and sends him a small smile.

"You know what that means Ash?" Luke asks, turning towards him.


"WE CAN HAVE DOUBLE DATES, OH MY GOSH I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO ON A DOUBLE DATE, OMG OMGOMG," Luke cheers, jumping around the small kitchen.

"Luke, baby, I don't know," Ashton says, pulling the jumping boy back into his hold.

"But ashy," Luke pouts.

"How about a maybe Luke?" Michael says, tearing his eyes from Calum's.

"Maybe could mean I'll take it," Luke says, smiling at the couple, while wrapping his arms around Ashton's waist.

"That would be a lot of fun..but if you think about it, we have been on double dates a view times," Ashton murmurs.

"But that was before we were dating," Calum says.

"Or before we were official," Michael huffs under his breath, earning a smack from Calum.

"Well, We are going to head to bed, nothing to loud alright?" Ashton jokes, before pulling Luke into their bedroom, before Calum or Michael could say anything.


It was morning when they got up, and Ashton wore a soft smile, not to scale with Luke's smile that was probably brighter then most people's futures. He slowly sat up, and patted his hip, before rolling out of bed, and walking into the kitchen. Calum was up, with some bruises down his neck. Ashton stifled a laugh, and quickly made himself coffee.

"Could you possibly come with me to a jewelry store?" Ashton whispered, looking over at Calum.

"Wha- why?"

"I want to get Luke a promise ring..." Ashton murmurs, looking down at his coffee mug.

Calum seemed to freeze up for a second, before relaxing.

"Yeah, we could do that."


Okay, so maybe a few more chapters, since I left it off on such a weird note.


I wasn't going to write it in, but looking through some of the comments, I figure, eh, wtf, and added it.

Again, please check out my Calum Hood story? Please?

I've been stuck on this song Fancy by Iggy Azalea ft Charli XcX and omg, my mom thought Iggy was black and I nearly cried while I was laughing so hard.

enjoy xx

 p.s please check out Joshi's (guydirectioners_rock) new Cake fan fiction called LightWeight!

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