Chapter Sixteen

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{33k reads? Holy shit guys, that's amazing. Okay, some smut, but it's going to be all lovey dovey and maybe a little awkward? bc Lashton's 1st time. Any hater will be blocked, #sorrynotsosorry}

The morning sun shone through the small breaks in the blinds, making small lines across the two bodies wrapped up together. They say the best feeling in the world, is to be able to roll over and kiss the person you love the most, on the lips. Ashton did just that- rolling over, and pressing his lips gently to Luke's. He had a idea for tonight, and it was nerve racking.

He was going to take Luke Hemmings on their first official date.

They have been on small scale 'dates', a movie night, a picnic, a concert; but nothing like tonight.

Ashton had it all planed out; he was going to take Luke to a fancy restaurant, then to the beach to watch the sun set, and to a little beach house where, maybe, they will make love for the first time. It did scare Ashton a little, he would be topping, and it would be the first time he ever saw Luke completely naked and under him; not like the lad hadn't imagined it before.

Luke stirred a little bit, before rolling over and falling back asleep. Pulling the covers up to Luke's neck, Ashton rolled out of bed and walked into the kitchen. He saw Calum drinking a cup of coffee, and smiled softly. Calum smiled back, and took a big gulp of his drink.

"Luke and I are going out tonight, and won't be back till tomorrow," Ashton announced, "and if he's limping tomorrow, don't laugh at it."

Calum nearly spit out his drink, "What. The. Hell."

"I'm taking Luke on a date tonight and maybe we'll make love too."

"Okay, I think that's way to much info for...." Calum paused to look at the time, "...for seven thirty in the damn morning."

"Sorry,"Ashton replied, but they both knew he wasn't.

Calum shook his head, sighing softly.

"You both are way to whipped."


Later that night, Ashton had called to a very fancy Italian restaurant, that he can't even pronounce, to make sure they where good for tonight. Having waiter check the reservation list, he made sure he was all their.

"All good Mr.Iriwn," The waiter said.

"Thank you so much, see you at eight," Ashton replied, before hanging up the phone.

Arms wrapped around his waist, "where are you going at eight?"

"/We/ are going out at eight, make sure to dress a little more on the formal side," Ashton replies, carding a hand through the blonde's hair, "okay?"

"Okay," Luke whispers, and smiles.

Ashton smiles back at him, and he thought that in that moment they where going to be okay.


By the time seven rolled around, Calum was helping Luke get ready, and Michael was helping calm Ashton's nerves and making sure he had everything he needed. When it rolled around to be seven-thirty, Calum was putting the finishing touches on Luke, making sure his tie was tied correctly, and that his hair was perfect.

Smiling when he stepped out before Luke, he called the other two to attention.

"And I present Luke Hemmings!" Calum yells, and watches Ashton's face.

Luke steps out wearing a long sleeved bright blue polo shirt, that made his eyes pop, tight black skinny jeans, and black vans. He had a darker blue tie, tied in a half Windsor knot, and he was chewing nervously on his lip ring. Ashton's jaw nearly hit the core of the earth, standing in awe on how beautiful Luke looked.

Something I need [Lashton] ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt