Chapter Six

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It was hectic in the band house, three lads running around the house, stuffing what smells like clean clothes into bags and trying their hardest not to cry. As Michael and Calum bickered back and forth, Ashton was in his room with his jaw set, working to put the clothes in a small bag that Michael had thrown at him. The tears where streaming effortlessly down the young lad's face, afraid that his best friend might be dead.

"Ashton," Michael said softly at his bedroom door, "Are you ready?"

"Nearly," Ashton croaked, "I just need to put a few more things into my bag."

"Okay, take your time," Michael's soft voice came from the doorway.

Ashton moved over to the closet that Luke and him shared, and yanked one of the other boy's jacket out. It was a black and white varsity jacket, that smelled like Luke. Ashton slipped it on, and grabbed the bag that laid zippered up on the edge of the bed. He left the room, flicking the light switch off and finding the two other boys at the front door, whispering. When Ashton stepped into the corridor, the whispers faded and they walked out the front door.

The oldest lad had made the phone call to the Hemmings' house hold. His mum couldn't make it to the hospital, but she had sent Ben on his way; so they could get information. Ashton took his spot as the driver, Michael turning on his DS and Calum sticking ear buds in, and working on cords for a new coming song; leaving Ashton to his thoughts, and to focus on the road.

I shouldn't have let him go out on his own, I should have grabbed his wrist and begged him to stay. Ashton thought, turning on his turn signal as he moved into the next lane.

He knew there was no one on the road, but if a police man or someone else was watching, he wanted to be seen as a smart, save driver and not some drunk.

Who could have killed my boy- best friend.

The lad gripped the wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white. The two other lads felt helpless, hence why they where caught up in other things; trying to distract themselves from what was happening around them.


The car pulled up in front of the hospital, right next to Ben's, and the three musketeers jogged through the parking lot. The sliding doors moved when they walked under the sensor, showing Ben sitting with his face in his palms.

"Ben," Ashton whisper, waiting as the older brother picked up his head, eyes read and puffy.

"Ash, I'm so sorry," He replies softly, standing and opening his arms for Ashton.

"He's alive right?" Ashton asks, and quickly steps into Ben's embrace.

"He's in emergency surgery," Ben explains, "A few broken ribs, what they think could be a minor concussion and a shattered ankle."

Ashton forces himself to breath, "I guess this sets us back on the tour, Calum call Jeff and explain what has happened."

Calum nods, and grabs his phone from his jogger's pockets. He dials on the touch screen, and excuses himself from the group, walking down the hallway a bit. Ashton sighs, and plops himself down into the chair, next to the one that Ben was sitting in. Michael takes the seat next to him making sure to leave a spot for Calum. Pulling the hood [hahaha] to his jacket over his head, he found the ear buds that where stuffed into his pocket, stuffing them into his ears and hitting play; quickly falling asleep.


Ashton was shaken awake, nearly pushed out of his chair, because they had gotten news on Luke.

"I'm up, I'm up," Ashton murmured, ripping the ear buds from his ears, and pulling his hood down.

He looked at the grim faces, and felt his heart drop. /Luke didn't make it./ He burst out crying, and the lads shared confused looks.

"He's alive Ashton, and we wanted you to go in first to see him?" Michael questions, not really sounding sure.

The tears slow, "Are you sure? Shouldn't Ben go in first? He is the family member..."

"But you're the one he found to be the drummer, and I think you guys have something going on, you deserve to go first," Ben explains, and holds a hand out for Ashton.

Once up on his feet, a nurse came out and lead the older boy down what seemed a thousand hallways, until they stood outside of room 55. The nurse patted his shoulder, and turned to walk away. Taking deep breathes, telling himself that Luke is alive and breathing, he turned the knob and pushed open the door. Luke laid in the bed, heavily bandaged, and hooked up to many different machines.

"Ash?" He whispers, smiling softly.

"Oh my gosh, you had me worried sick," Ashton explains, crossing the white hospital room, standing near Luke's bedside.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think I would get hit.." Luke whispers, closing his eyes.

"No one did sweetheart," Ashton said, grabbing Luke's hand.

"We need to talk, take a seat," Luke murmured, watching as Ashton pulled a chair that was placed next to the door.

"We need to talk about us,"



It's honestly amazing what you guys have done with the popularity on this fiction, I love it!

SO I'm going to start asking questions?

Favorite song/cover by 5sos?

I really like Wherever you are.

OR OR beside you.

I dunno, I like the slow songs c:

Ugh they are perfection.


COMMENT [answer the question]


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