Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Hi... I know I went MIA for a while...but there was a big reason behind it," He started, and some of the tweets started to pour in.

Oh my goodness, He got married.


Ashton, as a joke, leaned over and patted Luke's stomach. Michael and Calum crackled with laughter, when more tweets started pouring in, all of them freaking out. Luke shook his head, but not before lightly hitting Ashton on the back of the head. Ashton made a pouty face, and it took all of Luke's self control not to kiss him. Turning back to the camera, his expression fell more serious. Ashton scooted closer to him, and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"For the weeks that I was gone, I was held captive. I was forced into sex, and in return, I would sometimes get food. They beat me, and for a while, I was covered in bruises. For some reason, they wanted to get back at Ashton," He said, taking a deep breath, "It was hell for me.

"And before that... I had taken a dip. I am bipolar. I had relapsed, after being clean for nearly eleven months. Before those eleven months, my life was hell. I had voices inside my head to tell me it wasn't worth it, and I had many conversations with a gun pointed to my forehead. I was picked on in school, mostly for being at the top of my class, and for the way I looked. I was a very heavy kid, and it was hard for me to lose I stopped eatting. My parents never really seemed to pick up on it, maybe because my older brothers where always raising hell... as I living in my own hell.

"And then...I met Ashton..and everything seemed to get better. He got me eatting again, and one of the times he came over, and I needed to shave, he would sit in the bathroom with me so I didn't use it to silt my wrists... He also took away all my razors, and flushed them down the toleit, and took all the pills that where in my bathroom away too. He was and still is, my sun light that helped me through everything, while battling his own self harm. When he saw what I was going through, he showed me his cuts, and explained that he was working on stopping too..and that he wouldn't stop till I was completely clean."

Luke smiled over at Ashton, who's holding back tears.

"And...Ashton Flecther Irwin is also my boyfriend," Luke whispers, looking at him.

Ashton smiled, and kissed him. Calum and Michael awwed behind them, and Luke knew the fans must've been going insane. Luke slowly pulled away, and turned towards the camera again.

"I would like to thank you all for all the help and support you have given me over the years, and if you are battling with self harm, I want to tell you, it does get better. I understand that it sucks for what seems like forever...but it does get better, I promise," Luke says.

"Alright, now that that is over with....let's move onto a happier subject?" Calum asks.


Five years later...

Five seconds of summer had been around the world many times, and won many awards. After Luke had come out with Ashton, they seemed ot get more popular, and about a year later, Calum and Michael came out in an interview. Many girls where upset that all of them where taken and gay, but a lot of them where okay with it. Luke had recovered from the event, but sometimes woke up in the middle of the night, the event making their way into his dreams. He was always calmed down by Ashton, who always held onto him at night.

It was the last show of their tour tonight, and Ashton was a little more nervous then the rest of them. He was going to ask Luke to marry him, before they went on the stage. He was still getting dressed, and Luke was waiting for him. As soon as he was out, Ashton pulled Luke into the bathroom. Luke was rather confused, and Ashtons started speaking before Luke could say anything.

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