Chapter Nine

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"How much medicine am I on?" Luke murmurs, melting into Ashton's side.

"A lot," Ashton replies, reading over the side effects.

Suicidal or depressed actions or thoughts.

It sent chills down Ashton's spine, as he had the thought that Luke might lose his grip and relapse.


The word put Ashton's stomach on spin cycle, and he sighs softly. He thought of not telling Luke of the possible side effects; knowing that Luke would come to him if he ever felt like that. Ashton snakes his arm around Luke's waist, pulling the younger lad a little closer to him. Luke just nuzzled his face into Ashton's t-shirt; his smell intoxicating him. Papers are placed in-front of Ashton, along with a pen. Since Ashton is the only one over eighteen, he has the right to sign Luke out of the hospital, and get all his medicine. After slapping down his signature, the nurse hands him all of Luke's medicine, and explains how often he needs to take them.

"Thank you," Ashton replies to the nurse, and leads Luke out of the hospital. 

The band bus was sitting outside, Jeff sitting in the front, Michael and Calum passed out in the backseat. Opening the door for the younger boy, who quickly climbed in and the older one followed; closing the door behind him.


"God, he has been sleeping for hours," Michael complains, knowing he can't be to loud. 

"Has anyone checked up on him?" Calum questions, putting down his controller and rubbing his eyes. 

"I should go do that," Ashton murmurs, throwing the blanket from his body and padding into the bedroom. 

Ashton pokes his head in to see that Luke isn't in his bed, and the blankets are all over the floor. He feels his heart jump into his mouth, as he moves across the room. He knocks gently on the bathroom door, and waits a few moments before trying the handle. The door swings open, to a Luke who's staring at himself in the mirror. Ashton slowly slips into the bathroom, and wraps his arms around Luke's waist. 

"My thoughts are so loud, they're scaring me," Luke chokes out, and Ashton gently tugs him from the bathroom. 

"How about we snuggle?" Ashton suggests softly, turning off the bathroom light. 

Luke nods, and allows the older lad to drag him to the bed. The younger lad crawls into bed, and the older one follows, strong arms wrapped around the slimmer frame. The younger one melts into the elder, trying to keep himself in one piece. 

"What are they saying?" Ashton asks softly, rubbing his finger over Luke's hip bone. 

"They are just point out all my worthless I am, how I'm a piece of shit, and it's scaring me. I don't want to relive that year," Luke explains, tears polling in his eyes. 

"And you won't, I won't let it happen Luke. You've been doing so good, and I'm so proud of you," Ashton explains, wiping away a stray tear that escaped from Luke's blue orbs. 

"Are you serious?" 

"Yes Luke, I'm one hundred percent proud of all the progress that you have made," Ashton explains, "and I want to help you in any way possible." 

Luke smiles softly, and snuggles into Ashton, hoping to go back to sleep. 


When Ashton awakes, Luke isn't cuddled up next to him, and he nearly freaks out. Taking deep breathes, and checking the bathroom to see that Luke wasn't in there. The curly hair lad wonders out into the kitchen to see Luke drinking a glass of water, and eating a sandwich. Seeing Luke calms Ashton's heart rate. 

"Ashton, I'm fine." 

"I know, but I still worry," Ashton explains, slipping into the seat next to Luke. 


"Because A. I'm your boyfriend, B. I care and C. well, I don't have a C, I just wanted to say it," Ashton says, and Luke giggles softly. 

"You're lucky that you're a cutie," Luke mutters, and Ashton rolls his eyes. 

Pecking his cheek, he replies back with, "What ever you say babe." 



Fluff, Fluff and more fluff c: 

Any ideas on what's going to happen next? 




Oh and thanks for all the work you have done with the fan fiction, I never thought this would get over 4K reads and it means a lot guys c: 

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