Chapter Eight

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(make sure to read the author note, it's important)



 Luke had to stay in the hospital for at least a week, or how ever long the doctors saw fit. Almost getting caught for sneaking in guitars, they still had little practices, but quietly. The injured lad was getting restless, and wanted nothing more than to get out of the hospital; and maybe some pizza. Ashton and Luke haven't had a time alone to talk to each other about the kiss, and it was making both lads mad.

"Can I talk to Ashton alone?" Luke complains one day, shocking Michael and Calum. 

"Sure..we'll go sit out in the hallway?" Calum questioned, before his fingers wrapped around Micahel's wrist and pulled him out into the hallway. 

"Is this about the kiss?" Ashton whispers, looking down at the ground.

"Yes, Come here, I have a secret to tell you," Luke murmurs, a blush tackles his face. 

Ashton moves closer, but not close enough. 

"Closer," Luke murmurs. 

When Ashton is only an half and inch away from Luke, "What is it?" 

Luke doesn't answer, but presses his lips to Ashton's. The older boy smiles, and cups the younger ones cheeks, pulling him in closer. With lungs burning for air, Ashton pulled away slowly and put his forehead on Luke's. 

"Hey Luke?" 

"Yeah Ashton?" 

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" 

"I would love to."

"FINALLY!" Calum screams, as Michael flings open the door. 

"Took you guys long enough," Michael chirps in, placing a hand on his hip. 

Ashton looked unimpressed, and Luke was just giggling, which in the end; made everything better.


 Ashton sat behind Luke, Michael sat to their left, and Calum was getting up off the floor. Luke, Calum and Michael where in the middle of an intense game of the card game war, and every time Calum won, Michael would kick him off the bed, making Luke laugh loudly and Ashton just cuddle into Luke. So everyone was winning, expect for Calum who kept getting hurt. 

"alright, I'm done, done with getting kicked onto the cold, hard, dirty floor," Calum complains, and pushes his stack of cards into the middle of the bed. 

"wwwwhhhhhhyyyyy, but caaaallllluuuuuummm, it's noooo fun with just Michael," Luke complains, waving his arms about, nearly hitting someone in the face. 

"I'm done with getting kicked on the floor, you know it's painful right?" Calum replies, not having anymore of Michael's bullcrap. 

Michael chuckled lightly, and cracks his back loudly, earning a look of horror from Luke. Calum giggles, and hits the floor again, thanks to Michael. 

"Michael, stop kicking Calum off the bed, or I'll kick you from this room," Ashton threaten, done with all of their bullshit. 

"Woah, okay, I'll stop. Sorry Calum," Michael apologize

"IT'S TO LATE TO APOLOGIZE, IT'S TO LAAAATTTTTEEEEEEEE!" Calum burst ed out loudly, and Luke laughed at him. 

"And I'm the one who's drugged.." Luke murmured, getting a laugh from Ashton. 

The nurse comes in, with a smile on her face. She hands Luke his painkillers, with a cup of water. She does a quick check of his vitals, making sure everything is okay. 

"So when do I get outta here?" Luke asks the nurse, Lucy. 

"Well, it should be a few more days I believe, unless you need another surgery," Lucy explains, "Or if one of them was to sit on your leg it might not heal correctly." 

"Get off my bed now," Luke demands, with a smile on his face. "But not you Ashton, you can stay." 

"Why does Ash get to stay?" Calum whines, and slides off his bed. 

"Because, He's sitting behind me, and he loves me. So he wouldn't sit on my leg," Luke explains, smiling. 

"Sure, sure, it's not because he's your boyfriend?" Michael asks, raising his eyebrows. 

"Nope, plus he's a good cuddler, and doesn't complain about much," Luke replies, as Lucy smiles. 

"So you guys are together? That's adorable," Lucy gushes. 

"You just can't tell anyone," Ashton tosses in, "We haven't told our parents yet, or our management." 

"Your secret is safe with me lads, well, I'll see you later," Lucy said before walking from the room. 

"She's nice," Calum decided. 

"Yup," Michael agreed, poping the 'p'. 

Luke giggled, and Ashton kissed his cheek.



A.) I want to say sorry for such the long wait on the update; The Flu I had turned into Pneumoina and I didn't go to school at all this week, but I'm going into tomorrow and ugggghhh. 

B.) This is my most updated fan fiction, and the one I'm working the hardest one right now, to make sure I get all my info right, and yada yada. 

C.) So it really pisses me off when I get a commnet, JUST AFTER I UPDATED, that reads 'Omg, that's so cute, UPDATE.' 

Sorry but no. I just flipping updating, and that should hold you off for a few days. I want your feed back, not just telling me to update. I don't want to become that author that everytime I see an 'update' comment, I put off posting the chapter; but I will if I have to. 


OKAY, sorry, I had to cover that, haha. ANother New cover c: because I got bored. Basically this chapter is just a filler, and drama 



will be on the way!





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