Chapter Five

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Their manager was at their house in what seemed like seconds. He knocked on the door, scaring Michael and had Calum answer the door with a metal bat ready incase it was a bad guy. After the near death scare for both sides, they let Jeff in, who looked rather angry.

"Well, where are they?"

"Sleeping, they have no idea that we took a picture of them," Calum peeped, feeling like he was in trouble.

"Go wake then up, we need to speak, now," He said in a tone, that had both lads running to the couple's bedroom.

"Guys, you need to wake up," Michael announced, shaking Luke's shoulder.

When the would wake up, Calum and Michael shared a look.

"Lukas if you don't get up, in smashing your guitar, and Calum is going to wreck Ashton's drum set," Michael threatened.

As soon as the syllables danced across Michael's tongue, both boys sat up quickly in bed. With glares plastered on their faces they quickly got out of bed, looking for pants.

"What happened?" Luke hissed, as he grabbed a jacket.

"We took a picture of you guys and put it on twitter and Everyone flipped shit, and now Jeff is sitting in our living room wanting to talk to us," Calum hissed, running fingers through his hair.

"You did what?" Luke asked, stopping what he was doing, to glare at Calum and Michael.


"How could you! What if Ashton and I aren't even dating! What if we're just really close friends! Have you ever considered that?" Luke bellowed, and finished buttoning up his pants.

He stalked quickly from the bedroom, picking up a t-shirt and shoving flip flops onto his feet, going straight through the living room. He passed Jeff, and did even glance at him, and made his way into the kitchen. Luke yanked his keys off the hook that we screwed into the wall in front of the door, and grabbed for his phone out of the bowl that was placed on the counter. He opened the door, and slammed it, walking out to one of five cars that sat in the parking lot.

He opened up the car door, settled himself in, grabbed the key into the ignition and backed out of the drive way; driving quickly away.

Back inside the house, everyone just seemed to freeze. Luke had stormed off, for the first time in a while, and Ashton felt his stomach start to do back flips. As Ashton forced himself to take deep, steady breathes, Jeff came wondering into the bedroom. Leaning against the door frame, he took in the three boys in the room. How only a few years ago, they all disliked each other and now are like brothers.

"Luke will be okay. He's a saver driver," Jeff announced, and the boys turned to look at him.

"How do you know?" Ashton asks, as tears slip from his eyes.

"Because his father taught him."


As Luke was speeding down the highway, his music blasted, just trying to figure out what he really was. Gay? Bi? Pan-sexual? Ashton-sexual? He was rather confused; He didn't think he was in love with Ashton, he thought they where just close. As he sped farther down the road, a drunk driver on the other side of the highway was making his way home from the bar.

As the lines blurred in his vision, he turned the wheel towards Luke's car, heading for the driver side. Luke didn't notice until, well, his car was flipping. Hitting his head on the steering wheel, he nearly blacked out, trapped in his car. A passenger from the other car, was dialling 911, waiting in fear. The police and ambulance appeared, tackling the bashed up car.

Pulling the unconscious bloody blonde hair boy out, the felt his jean pockets for a cell phone or wallet to tell them some information on this injured lad. The paramedics found a cracked iPhone, with the lock screen as him and a lad with curly honey hair, bright hazel eyes and a dimpled smile. Using the ICE contacts, they called 'Mummy' 'Benny' 'Jack' and 'Ashy<3'.

Ash<3 was the only one to pick up;

"Hello Sir?" The paramedic asked.

"This isn't Luke...What happened to Luke?" Ashton chocked out; the worry killing him.

"He got hit by a drunk driver, we are taking him to Royal Perth Hospital, would you like to meet us there?"

"I can, I'm leaving now. When should you be there?"

"The fastest we can be there is thirty minutes."

"I'll be there, I'll call his family and make sure they know he's hurt, Thank you," Ashton says, already slipping on his shoes.

"Thank you for staying calm, we'll see you in a little bit lad," The paramedic replied, and hung up the phone call.

Luke was placed on the stretcher, and placed into the back of the ambulance and driving off; only hoping for the best.



sorry for not updating, haven't been able to get onto my laptop. I have a feeling you all are not going to be happy with this chapter...

but it goes as planned ;)

so enjoy, and wait in fear to see if Luke lives....




Thank you all for all the feed back, since this is my first 5sos fan fiction c:

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