Chapter Seven

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New cover :)

Ashton felt his heart jump into his throat, and he forced himself to keep his breathing normal. Talk about us...that's never a good sign. As he looked at Luke, beaten up and broken, he raised his eyebrows.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ashton forces out, trying to talk with a lump in your throat is always the hardest.

"We need to figure out where we stand on feelings, I don't know Ashton, I'm confused," Luke sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Confused about what?"

"If I'm gay or bi or whatever," Luke whispers, closing his eyes.

"Do you want to try something?" Ashton suggested, leaning in closer to Luke.

The younger boy's head snaps in the older ones direction. Feeling the cold hands on his forearm, a thumb rubbing over the skin, whispering a soft /relax./ With his free head, he cupped the older boy's cheek, and pulled him to his lips. Lips formed as one, and moved against each other in a perfect harmony. It wasn't a rushed kiss; It was slow, and full of love and passion. Ashton slowly pulled away, his breath coming out ragged. 

"Well?" He whispered, expecting the worse. 

"That, was-" 

"LUKE!" Michael screamed, cutting Luke off from answering Ashton. 

Shooting Ashton a grim look, as the two lads basically tackled him, as his brother stood in the door frame, watching the lads hug Luke. It was funny to Ben, how you could go to hating someone, to liking someone and joining a band. Luke looks past the shoulder of Calum, to see his big brother standing there. 

"Is mum here?" Luke asks Ben. 

"She couldn't make it, so she sent me," Ben replied, moving to stand next to Ashton. 

"Excuse me," Ashton murmurs, standing up and leaving the room. 

Luke watches him leave, and wants to call out to him or something. Instead he watched him walk out the door frame, and no one seemed fazed by Ashton leaving. His older brother plopped down in the vacent seat, and Calum and Michael got off of Luke, sitting on the bed. Forcing a smile, Luke reached for the cup of water that was placed there by the nurse. Taking a few small sips, he turned to the lads, trying to get Ashton off his mind. 


Grabbing a cab and going home, seemed like something a normal person would do; But Ashton went into town, looking at the shops. He noticed the couples that where out and about, shopping and taking pictures with each other. He noticed two girls swallowing each other's face, and two lads holding hands. Sighing to himself, he felt jealous. They guy he liked was laying in a hospital bed, and they kissed. And didn't discus it. But Ashton couldn't lie, it was better than any kiss he had ever had. 

It was a different kiss; from all the girls he had kissed, he always hated how sticky their lips where with lip gloss. But kissing Luke, with his soft yet rough lips, and that lip ring would be the death of Ashton. He glanced around the shopping plaza, finding that he had lost interest in what ever he was doing before. His sight landed on a Starbucks, and thought that Luke and the other lads might want some. Ordering the boys usuals, he paid and left; not wanting to be seen. 

He called for a cab, and told them how to get to the hospital, 


He walked back up to the room, and knocked before pushnig the door open. Seeing Luke laughing, Calum pissed, and Michael scared for his life brought a smirk to Ashton's face. 

"I bring starbucks!" Ashton annouces, walking over near the hospital bed.

Luke's thin fingers curled around his drink, "I'm going to get in so much trouble with my nurse for this." 

"YOLO!" Calum yells, clunking his cup with Michael's. 

"Y'all insane," Ashton murmurs, rolling his eyes. 

"Y'all?" Michael giggles.

"Who are you? Paula Dean?" Luke questions, looking at Ashton. 

"I can't believe Ashton said Y'all, it's improper grammar," Calum says, and gasp. 

"He's changing!" Michael yells, making Ashton roll his eyes. 

"At least I finished school," Aston replies. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, and if this ever fails Michael and I are screwed," Calum says, swinging his cup around. 

"Don't spill that on me," Luke glares at Calum, "Or I'll kick you off this bed." 

"With a casted leg?" 

"I'll have Michael or Ashton kick you off the bed," Luke informs, taking another sip of his drink. 

Sighing, Ashton drops into the seat next to Luke, who smiles over at him. 

Almost like the kiss never happened...


WHOOOHOOOO!!! Some Lashton action, eh? Sorry if this is crappy and riddled with spelling errors because I have the flu. Fabulous eh? 




PS; I added GIFS to chapters; I think you should really check out chapter three's gif. I STILL CANNOT STOP LAUGHING. 

Something I need [Lashton] ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें