Chapter Four

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"Ashton! Hurry your ass up!" Michael called, poking his head into the bedroom.

"Can you be quiet? Luke is trying to get some damned sleep," Ashton hissed, from the other side of the blue bedroom, one leg in his skinny jeans.

Michael rolled his eyes, his bright pink head disappearing from the door frame, and his footsteps going down the hallway. Ashton finished dressing, putting on his Ponies Forever t-shirt, bracelets lining his wrists and a pair of skin tight blue jeans, and black vans.

He stepped into the bathroom that was attached to Luke's and now his room, flicking on the light switch as he stepped in. He grabbed his dark purple toothbrush, and the Colgate mint flavored tooth paste, putting the paste on the brush, then raising the brush up to his opened mouth. He scrubbed his teeth, and spat out all the foam. He washed any remaining tooth paste foam from his face, before tacking his hair. He wet down his hair, and ran a comb through it, making it look wavy.

"They call me ocean because I got that wave," Ashton murmured, chuckling lightly to himself.

He exited the bathroom, to see Luke sitting up in bed, looking dazed and confused. Once his eyes landed on me, he smiled softly, and yawned big. I made my way across the room, pecking his temple.

"How do you feel?" I ask, plopping myself down next to him.

"I'm okay, much better than yesterday, and I guess you are going to record today," Luke explained, rising his eye brows at the last bit.

"Did Michael wake you up?"

"Yes, indeed he did."

"HURRY UP LOVER BOY, WE HAVE SOME WHERE WE HAVE TO BE!" Michael yelled, and the older boy rolled his eyes.

He pecked Luke's lips, before grabbing his phone and wallet, biding his good bye before making his way into the living room where Michael sat, playing on his DS.

"Let's go Gammer boy," Ashton announced, messing up Michael's hair.


"I want to get my lip pierced," Luke announced to Calum, who nearly choked on his can of Coke he was drinking.

"What?" He asks, after he finished choking.

"Did I stutter? I. want. my. lip. pierced."

"You know that hurts right?" Calum asked.

"Yes, know I want you to come with me," Luke pushed.


"Because if I chicken out you will hold it above my head for the rest of my life," Luke explained, sighing softly.

"True, and you really want this, so let's go?"

"We have to get ready first."


"We have to go in there?" Calum asks, looking at the tattoo pallor.

"Yes, they are the best in town," Luke explains, taking steps towards the door, "C'mon Calum, they aren't going to bite."

"Yeah but when I got my tattoo it was still scary," Calum complains.

"Suck it up Hood," Luke snaps, flinging the door open, and stepping inside.

The lady at the front dress, with black booty shorts, combat boots, and a selfless top, exposing her many tattoos, looks up, "Hell-o boys, how may I help you today?" She chriped.

"I want to get a lip piecing," Luke said, watching as the lady's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Back here dear," She shrugged, her shoes clunking against the title floor.

The blonde boy's stomach started to feel like a washer machine, as he neared the chair. He swallowed the nerves, and plopped himself down into the chair. She handed him a clear stand up plastic display that had all the studs or rings. Luke pointed to a black ring, with two little balls on each end.

"Good pick, it's going to look amazing," she commented, "Now, which side do you want it on?"

"My right side please," Luke replied, and she grabbed a pen.

She made a little dot, about half an inch in. She held up a mirror, and when he smiled in return, she took that as a yes. She grabbed his lip, and the gun, placing it right over the ink dot.

"Small pinch okay?" She assured him, then pulled the trigger.

He flinched slightly, but took a deep breath. She grabbed the little ball, and screwed it onto the top of the ring. She held up the same mirror as before, and Luke smirked.

"So no kissing for a few days, so it heals correctly. You have to wash it, and if it itches, do not scratch it, you could possibly rip the piercing," She explained, and gave Luke a bottle of cleaner.

"How much does it cost?" Luke asked, getting up and walking to the front where Calum sat.

"Woah, it's so cool!"

"Want one?"

"I'm good!"

Luke turned towards the women, and she just shook her head.

"It's on the house sweetheart, have fun!"


When Ashton and Michael got home, Luke was playing with lip ring, and Calum was yelling at him for it.

"You're going to rip your lip!"

"Why is he going to rip his lip?" Ashton asked from the front door, toeing off his shoes.

"I got my lip pierced," Luke said, waiting for Ashton's reaction.

When he walked into the kitchen, he padded over to Luke, to take a look at the black ring that went through his boyfriend's bottom lip. He kept his face blank, but sighed.

"I could have done worse Ash," Luke said, defending himself.

"But you couldn't wait?"

"Wait for what?! I'm seventeen years old," Luke pouted, crossing his arms.

"Couldn't you have waited for tomorrow, so I could have gone with you?"

"But I wanted it to be a surprise for you?"

"You don't sound of sure of it, I'm not mad that you got it, it looks hot," Ashton comments, running his fingers through Luke's quiff.

Luke smirked and the two boys whined and ask them to take their PDA somewhere else; so that's what they did. The pair evacuated the kitchen, and found themselves tangled up in each other arms. They giggled quietly, and when they both passed out, Calum and Michael crept in, their phone on the keek app.

"Now we have to be quiet, for the two love birds are sleeping," Michael whispered, looking into the camera.

Calum flipped the camera around, and got a good shoot of the pair, not knowing who limps where who's, and giggled softly. After flipping the camera back to them, with smirks on their faces, Calum hit post.

Within minutes, twitter, tumblr and keek where having a mental break down. They had to turn off their phones in order for Luke and Ashton to stay asleep.

Oh if only they knew what they had done...



OMFG ! 1k votes and over 100 votes?! Thanks guys c:

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