Chapter fifteen

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[26k reads and 1k votes? You guys are the best c: I posted my michael au; it's called Annabelle Lee. Check it out? Dedication to; SmartMalik for her comments!]

Sighing softly, the blonde forced down food, as his boyfriend looked down at the notebook that has been glued to him. Luke hasn't been nosy and flipped through the book; Ashton would usually jump and slam the book shut, if anyone was attempting to read over his shoulder.

The boys had been laying around the hotel room for a few days, and they where talking about going into London. It was a better day for Luke, so he was smiling and giggling.

"Yeah! let's do it, it would be so much fun," Luke agreed, then turned to Ashton, "Ashy, we should go walk around London."

"I dunno Lukey, it looks like it's going to rain," Ashton replies, looking up from his seat by the window.

Calum stands and makes his way over to Ashton, to whisper in his ear, "look, I know there is a chance of rain, but this is one of Luke's better days, shouldn't be treasure it while we can?"

"Calum, it's one good day, he'll have more."

"After what? three months of bad days? If you aren't going to take him, Michael and I will."

Not replying, Calum turns to Luke and Michael.

"Get ready boys, we are going into the heart of London!"


Ashton ended up coming along, only because Calum and Michael had guilted him into it. Staying close to Luke, Ashton looked around at a small shop on the corner.

"Do you want to go in there?" Luke asks softly, grabbing Ashton's hand.

"It seems interesting," Ashton replies.

"Then let's go in there," Luke says, leading Ashton over to he cross walk.

Luke walked around London like he had lived here his whole life. Leading Ashton across the street, with Michael and Calum following them, they walked into the tiny store. As soon as the door swung open, and they where out of the crisp London air, Ashton's eyes widen. He had just stepped foot into his paradise, a mixture of indie and hipster things littered the store.

Walking in awe, he moved around the store. He saw the old vinyl records, in boxes by what seems the thousands, fedoras and bandannas in every color, Harry Styles' grey boots, over sized sweaters and the list went on.

"Wow," Ashton breathed out, "this is amazing."

"Aren't you happy you came now?" Luke asks softly, leaning into the older boy.

"Yeah," Ashton smiled, looking over at Luke.

Like squeezed his hand, and wondered off to another part of the store, leaving Ashton where he was to explore. Wondering through the store, he saw nearly almost all the band t-shirts he could never get anywhere else, Arctic Monkey, the 1975, The fray, onerepublic and many more. A smile broke out on to his face, as he explored the store even more.

Luke was near the bracelets, looking for a present for Ashton. He had an on going collection of bracelets, and Luke wanted to get him some more. Picking up a few, before shaking his head, and placing them back down, not feeling like Ashton would truly enjoy any of them, only taking them because Luke hand given them to him; he was just nice like that. Sighing, he kept on his search, wanting to find something that Ashton would love.

Looking around, Luke came across a James Morrison album. Picking it up, he noticed that it was signed, and Luke nearly jumped up and down. James Morrison was Ashton's all-time favourite solo artist. Moving over to check out, he quickly paid for the album, and put it in his jacket.

"Ash?" Luke called out, not sure where he went in the store.

"Over here!" Ashton called back, from somewhere in the back right.

Following the sound of his voice, Luke soon found Ashton, with a fedora on his head, and round glasses over his eyes. Luke crackled with laughter, and Ashton fake pouted. The younger boy moved over to him, and kissed his cheek.

"You're so cute," Luke comments, smiling wide.

"I'm not cute!"



"Yas, and that's final," Luke smiled, before stealing a kiss, "if your buying anything, please do now, I'm worn."

"M'kay," Ashton replied, pickup up the fedora and getting it rung up.

Calum and Michael stood outside of the shop, chit chatting about something and the conversation was dropped as soon as Luke and Ashton cleared the door way. Making their way back to the train, they bought their tickets, and boarded.


A few hours later, after dinner and showers, Luke and Ashton where sitting on their bed, Ashton writing and Luke reading.

"There's something I want to give to you, I bought it today," Luke announces, and Ashton puts down his book.

"Okay," Ashton replies, and watches as Luke gets off the hotel bed, and wonders over to his jacket. "Do you want me to close my eyes?"

"Can you?" Luke replies, his back still to Ashton.

"Sure baby," Ashton replies, and squeezes his eyes shut.

Luke gets the album, and walks back over to Ashton, putting it on his lap.

"Open," Luke whispers, and Ashton's reaction was perfect.

Eyes widening, a gasp wAs heard, and then a fan girl worthy scream.

"YOU GOT ME A SIGNED JAMES MORRISON ALBUM?!" Ashton squealed, jumping up and down.

Luke laughed, "yes, indeed I did."

"OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!" Ashton screamed, and tackled Luke into hug, the both of them nearly falling off the bed.

"You're welcome, it's just a little something I thought I should do for you, since you do everything for me," Luke explains, blushing slightly.

"It's perfect, thank you Luke," Ashton says, and presses his lips softly to Luke's.

Returning the kiss eagerly, they kissed with passion, love and hope. Pulling away slowly, Luke smiled as big as he could, Ashton mirroring him.


I have a very important question [and you guys aren't allowed to kill each other, but give me reasons why,]


I was orgianlly going to write smut for this chapter, but then quickly changed my mind, because I have no idea who would top..

So if you who, ever so kindly, leave your comments bellow on who you believe tops!

Please do not fight with anyone in my comments, because I will report the both of you c: sooo

thanks c;

Just wanted to say that it is my most read fic, and that makes me supper happy!

I'm thinking of another Lashton story, but the plot won't be put out yet, still thinking over somethings. 

song on the side, Classic by MKTO has nothing to do with this chapter, but I love it so oops. 

gif on the side, was so hard to pick, because Ashton smile is beautiful. 

Thank you to all c: 




love you all xx

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