Chapter 5

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~Liza pov~

Me and David have been going on dates for a few months now....I really hope he asks me to be his girlfriend thoughts got inturepted by my phone dinging...

~Text convo between Liza and david~

D: "Hey Liza"

L: "Hey David"

D:" do you want to come over"

L: "ya sure I will be over in 10"

D:"okay bye Liza"

L: "bye David"

~David pov~

Today was the day that I was going to ask Liza to be my girlfriend....I have wanted to do it for a while bow but have just been to chicken...just then I hear a knock on the door..Liza walks in

L: "Hey David"

D: " Hey uh Liza" I said kinda nervous

L: "you okay dude you seem kinda nervous"she says with a concerned look on her face

D: "No... uh I mean ya I am perfectly fine"

L: "well okay then"

D: "do you want to go to target"I have a great idea for how I am gonna ask her....

L:" ya I would love to"

D:" okay let's go"

~time lapse to target~
~Liza pov~

We walk into target and we walk over to food section and I am greeted by ceaser salad(you will only know who this is if you watch Davids vlogs BTW)he comes over to me and hugs me and hands me a card and walks off....when I turn around I don't see I read the card without read

Liza, this is from david....I have made a little scavenger hunt for you to first place is the ocean
~from david~

I went to the ocean and Gabbie was there and she handed me another card it read

Go to where we had our first meal together.

I went to the place where we had our first date and went up to the waitor and said... "Hey uh I'm Liza koshy....I don't really know where I am supposed to go or what to do" the waitor gave me an even friendlier smile than she had on and handed me a read

This is your last and final clue....go to where we film all of my outros and I will be waiting for you there...

I smile cuz in all of this I missed david...

~Time lapse to apartment~
~David pov~

I heard the key on Liza's apartment turn and the door opened...she walked in with a big smile on her face and she said...

L: "ooooh David you look nice"I had forgotten that I had gotten kinda dressed up"

D: "Thanks..."

L:" sooooo why the little scavenger hunt?!?..."

D: " I had to have time to mentally prepare for this"I said while half laughing

L: " David you are worrying me is something wrong did I do something?!?"she says while looking down and frowning

D:" no Liza of course not." I said while walking over to her and hugging her..."I just need to ask you a question"

L:"okay what is it"

D:" well we have been going out on dates for a couple of months and I was wondering if You would make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend!?!?!?"

L: " Yes David of course I will..." She says with the biggest smile that I have ever seen on her this made me happy

I hugged liza really tight and I kissed the top of her head...

~Liza pov~

David had just asked me to be his girlfriend and I am freaking out oh my god....I love him so much and I don't know what I would do without him...he is literally what keeps my day going...

L: "You wanna watch a movie?"

D: " ya sure...what movie??"

L:"I don't care toh can pick"

D: "no you pick"

L: " but I don't wanna" I say whining

D:" okay fine"he says as walking over to be the movie shelf

L: " yayyyyy!!"

He puts the movie in and comes over and sits next to me and we just feels nice to just cuddle up next to him...I think I need I know I need him...

~David pov~

I wake up to the movie ending and lixa is laying on me sleeping...she loks so peaceful and cute...I carry her bridal style to her room and lay her on her bed and right as I am about to walk out of the room I hear this...

L: " can you stay with me"

D:" ya of course"

I get in bet and cuddle with her and fall back to sleep with the most happy feeling ever...

~Author note~

Hey guys I am back and wow this so as much as I have typed like ever lol....I am so very sorry that I have not posted in forever I will try and post more often...or when I can...thank you to all of you guys that have read my book and stayed with it the whole time I really appreciate you guys....if you guys have any ideas for any chapter I will be more than happy to put it in here....I would love to hear from you on how you think my boom is doing and what you would like me to change......I will change anything....unless I think that it is important to the story....and BTW there are going to be some weird twist to the story in the future...I don't know what yet exactly but I will make you want to kill me but come on you just got to roll with it lol....I am going to try and post longer chapters from now on because they are really fun to do....But please give your input on how I am doing lol....that is all for today name is Abby BTW lol......

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