Chapter 17

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~Liza pov~

Today was just gonna be a lazy day but David decided to change my plans by taking me iceskating...I have never been ice skating before so I don't have any idea about how this is...

D:" Hey babe are you ready?"
L:" As I'll ever be"
D:"okay great" man he did not catch my sarcasm

When we were in the car my favorite song came on ...I was dancing along to it and David turned on his camera and said this is driving with Liza pt.3..

When we arrived at the skating rink David hopped out of the car like a little five year old...he was so excited...he comes to my side of the car and opened the door for me..he holds out his hand for me and says..

D:" M'lady"
L:" thank you kind sir" i say with a smirk stuck on my face trying not to laugh.
D:" My pleasure"

By now I am dying with laughter at this moment..he soon joins in and we get many judge mental stares from people walking past.

D:" I'll race you"
L:" oh you are so on"

I did not give him time to say start because I was already running.

D:" Liza that is against the rules "he yelled at me
L:" you never said anything about rules!!!" I yelled back

But before I knew it he was passing me with his giraffes legs

He reaches the front and laughs at me...

L:" what are you laughing at"
D:" I beat you and you started before me"
L:" well it not my fault you have giraffe legs and I have Weiner dog legs"
D:" I am hurt I do not have giraffe legs"he says while faking a frown.
L:" oh but you do"
D:" whatever let's go inside pookie"
L:" pookie??"I was really confused
D:" ya you heard me pookie...its your new nickname"
L:" oh okay well now I need one for you"
D:" I do not need a nickname"
L:" yes you do and it is going to be bubba"
D:" okay actually I don't mind that one so thank you"
L:" no problem"he kisses the top of my head and we walk inside

We went to get our skates and put them on...he stands up like he has done this a million times before..I however stand like a new born horse...David just sits there and laughs at me while I glare at him.

Eventually he puts his hand around my waist and leads me to the rink.
There were quite a few people there so I was a little more scared than I was before.

L:" David don't leave me"
D:" I won't pookie"
L:" promise?!?
D:" well I'm not going to promise anything"
L:" Daaavvvid"
D:" what"
L:" your so rude"
D:" amm not"
L:" yes you are and you can deny it all you want but you David Dobrik are rude"
D:" oh you wanna see rude"he said smirking
L:" bring it" I smirked back

And with that David skated away from me..leaving me by myself wobbling around...and then this guy came over and helped me...(let's say his name is jake)

J:" here let me help you"
L:" thanks"
J:" No problem"
D:" Hey, that's my girlfriend!!!"
J:" chill dude I was only trying to help she almost fell down...did you just want me to watch?!?"
D:" She would have been fine if she fell down"
J:" I know this I was just being a gentleman unlike you" I was astonished that he had juts said that about David
L:" Hey buddy I don't know what your problem is but you need stop it before I slap you across the face"
J:" Oh look he needs his girlfriend to fight his fights for him" by then a crowd had formed around us
D:" I don't need her to fight my fights she juts loves me"
J:" I bet she could love me more"

David pushed Jake on the rink..Jake quickly got up and punced David square in the nose...Davids nose was bleeding...the guy kept throwing punches at David...He finally got off of him and David was lying on the ground barley moving

L:" David!!! David!!! Stay with me David please don't leave me!!!"
D:" I love you......I promise"this was the last thing he said before he passed out in my lap with my tears falling on his face..
L:" DAVID!!!! Please don't go I love you to much to lose you....please don't go I need you"I was literally sobbing right now

The ambulance had finally arrived and they took David away...I was sitting next to him holding his hand and sobbing....I hopped he was going to be okay...I need him in my life...he is my other half....I love him so so much I can't lose him...I will fall apart....

I wisper to him...

L:" David I love you...please don't go"

Still nothing came from him...When we got to the hospital they took him back for a little then came back....

(N stands for nurse)
N:" Liza Koshy"
L:" yes, that is me" I rushed over to her
N:" David still has not woke up but you can go back and see him if you like" she asked with a questioning hint in her voice
L:" ya I wanna see him"

I walked back to his room...I watched each room pass...234 235 236 237 238...finally I made it to 239 the room. That the nurse said that David was in...I walked in to see David with tubes in his mouth and the beeping of the eyes landed on the still body on the bed...he was so if he was thoughts got inturupted by the doctor

D:" are you Liza Koshy"
L:" Yes, I am"
D:" well I need to discuss a few things with you..."
L:" okay"I said this very plain and without emotion
D:" David he um....he's in a coma...we don't know when he will wake up if he ever wakes up at all"
L:"Your lying to me right...please tell me tour lying!!!"
D:" Liza it will be just need to be patient and be here for him" he pointed at david laying liflessley on the bed

I could not take it anymore..I sat there and cried my eyes out yet again today....The doctor tried to touch my back to comfort me but I pushed it away

L:" Don't touch me!!!"
D:" Okay well Liza I will be out here if you need me"He hesitated for a moment then walked out the door.

I rushed over to Davids side and hugged him and cried into him...I wanted him to hold me to tell me everything would be okay but he did not even flinch at my movement...

~Author note~

Heys guys it Abby, this was a stressful chapter...I don't know when I will post next but it will be sometime soon hopefully well that's all I have for you guys today please vote and follow me....little white girl is out byeeeee!!!!!

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