Chapter 23

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~Liza pov~

When I woke up I did not feel David beside me. I started to quickly get out of bed. Then I realized that he slept over at Zane's last night. I calmly sat back down on my bead and decided to get dresed.  

After I got dressed I decided to call David to see if he wanted to go out to eat with me

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After I got dressed I decided to call David to see if he wanted to go out to eat with me.

~Phone convo~

D:" Hey pookie"
L:" Hey, bubba, babe, the love of my life, my everything, my world, my baby, my prince"
D:*Laughs*" what do you want"
L:" What makes you think I want something"
D:" Liza I know you"
L:" Okay fine..will you go and eat with me"
D:" of course I will pookie"
L:" Thanks"
D:" Your welcome...I love all the nicknames"
L:" I thought you would...Are you still at Zane's"
L:" okay well I will be there in 30 min"
D:" Okay love you"
L:" Love you too"

~End phone convo~

I finish getting ready and head out the door. I hopped in my car and drove off to Zane's.

When I arrived I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited for a Lil then looked down at my feet and saw a note. On top the note it read Liza. I opened it and it read

Hey Liza this is David. I just wanted to tell you to just walk on in. We are in Zane's room playing COD and have our headphones in and won't be able to hear the door.

    Love you, David.

I walked into the door and went to Zane's bedroom. I opened up the door to see the most terifying thimg you could ever see.

I saw David laying on the bed covered in blood. I started to cry. I touched his bloody face and began to cry even harder.

L:" David*sob*I'm so sorry*Sob* I love you*Full on sob*"

I layed down on top of him and just cried.

L:" Where the fuck is Zane!!!!!"I yell

I stomp out of the room covered in Davids blood still crying. I search the whole house and there is not a trace of Zane. What if Zane did this. Nah would he???

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