Chapter 32

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~Liza POV~

David got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful engagement ring. There are no words to describe how beautiful it was.

I can't believe this is happening he is actually proposing

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I can't believe this is happening he is actually proposing. I'm so happpy!!!

D:" Liza, we have had our ups and downs. We have had many misunderstandings. But one thing I do understand is how much I love you. You are my world. My other half. I don't know what I would do without you. I want to grow old with you. I want to have little kids that look like you. I hope our kids someone find someone who will love them as much as I love you. I hope they find somebody as important to them as much as your important to me. I want a forever and I want it with you. I want to grow old  together and watch our kids get older. I want an eternity and I hope you want a enternity just like I do.I've already asked your parents for permission. They said yes... So will you Liza koshy make me the happiest man on earth... Marry me?"

My hands are covering my mouth and tears are streaming down my face.

L:" Yes!! of course I will...what took you so long"

He stands up and hugs me. He swings me around.

He puts me down then kisses me. Its a long passionate kiss that I want to last forever.

I can't believe it I'm gonna be married to David. I have been dreaming about this day for as long as I have known him.

In a mater of months I will officially be called Mrs. Dobrik. I can't wait until that day finally comes.

We pulled away and stared into each others eyes.

D:" Julian you can come out now"

A dude popped out of the woods who I'm guessing is Julian. He is carrying a camera stand and his camera.

L:" Julian?"
D:" He was the engagement photographer"
L:" Oh okay... Its nice to meet you Julian"
J:" You too Liza"
D:" Can I see the pictures"
J:" ya sure"

He held up his camera to show us the pictures. (Just pretend that these are all David and Liza is the outfits they are wearing and they are on the cliff)

 (Just pretend that these are all David and Liza is the outfits they are wearing and they are on the cliff)

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Diza Doshy Where stories live. Discover now