chapter 39

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~Liza's POV~

Me and David are currently on our way to the airport to go back to LA. My mom and Dad are driving us.

When we get back we have to tell all our friends that we are getting married.  Its been two whole weeks and we still haven't told them. They are gonna hate us.

As we are waiting for the traffic to clear up by the airport David rests his hand on my thigh.

It immediately sends tingles through out my body. Just like any other time that he touches me. A small smile creeps up onto my face.

D:" what are you smiling about, pookie"?
L:" I was just thinking about how happy you make me" he smiles at me
D:" Well I'm even happier than you"
L:" Now there you are wrong"
D:" N-" I cut him off
L:" oh look we are at the Airport"

My mom pull to the curb to let us out. We all climb out of the car to say our goodbyes.

LM:" I'm gonna miss you guys. I'm so happy for you two"
L:" Thank you Mom"
LD:" David" David focuses his attention on my dad " You take care of my little girl."
D:" I will sir. I always will." He says the last sentence while looking at me. A small smile creeps his way upon his lips.
LD:" I'm sure you will, son" David gives my Dad a warm smile

My dad goes to shake Davids hand. He extends his arm out.

LD:" Awh screw it"

My dad retracts his hand and pulls David in for a big hug. David looks shocked for a second but then hugs my dad back still a little stiff. They both pull away.

My dad then pulls me into a hug. I immediately hug back trying to squeeze him harder then he is squeezing me. We always do this when I'm leaving. We both pull away.

My mom then hugs me and David both at the same time.

LM:" Sorry to rush off but we have bingo night and the earlier that we get there the cheaper it is"
L:" Oh, it fine mom. We need to get inside anyway or well miss our flight"
LM:" Okay, bye guys love you"
L&D:" Bye love you too"

They both hop into the car and drive off into the distance.

Me and David make our way inside the airport. We stop at the Starbucks to grab some coffee before we make our way to security.

David gets the Vanilla bean frappucino and I get the French vanilla frappacino with extra wip and 2 extra shots of vanilla ( I highly recommend the drink that Liza ordered. It is amazing and great)

After they give us our drinks we make our way to the security. We make it through fairly quickly.

Once we get through security we make our way to find our gate. Once we find it we sit down on the little chairs that they have for us.

I lay my head down on Davids shoulder as he rubs my thigh with his thumb.

As we sit this beautiful looking girl walks up to us.

BG:" Omg David is that you!"

I stare at her for a second and I take in more of her features. Tall, bright blond, astonishing blue eyes, full lips, and a giant rack if ya know what I mean.

D:" Sam!! Its been forever"

Okay I thought she was just a fan but obviously not. Maybe a friend from Highschool? That's my best guess.

S:" I know!! What's it been two, three years?"
D:" Yeah, that sounds about right. Its good to see you though"
S:" Yeah, you too"

David moves his hand off my leg and stands up to give her a hug. As he stands he rudely shakes my head off his shoulder. Wow. David thanks.

Diza Doshy Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora