Chapter 29

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~Liza POV~

I wake up still cuddled up with David. There is literally no space left between us. I will never get tired of this.

I turn around to face him and kiss him on the tip of his nose. He dosent move. I then kiss him on his for head. Still nothing.

Then all of a sudden my phone starts going off causing him to wake up. Finally.

He takes my phone off the night stand and hands it to me. Its my mom. I answer it.

L:" Hey mama"
M:" Liza hunny you need to come down to Texas right away... Its your dad"I sit up
L:" Is he okay"
M:" Just please come down" I hear her sniffle then she hangs up without giving me a response to whether he is okay or not

D:" Who was that"
L:" I need to go to Texas"
D:" what why"
L:" Its my Dad"
D:" What's wrong with him"
L:" I don't know she didn't tell me"
D:" okay well I'm coming with you"
L:" okay well let's pack"
D:" Okay"

We both get up and throw random clothes into a bag and get all of our neccesities. We make our way to the car.

D:" here let me take your bag"
L:" thanks"I look at the ground
D:" Liza he's gonna be okay"
L:" I know I'm just worried David. This is the first time your gonna meet him and he's sick"
D:" Don't worry about it Liza. Its gonna be okay... Wait hold up... Your telling me your dad's in the hospital and your worried about this being my first time seeing him and he's gonna be sick"
L:" well I mean ya"
D:" Your suck a goofball"
L:" I know"

He kisses my for head and then puts our bag in the back of the car.

We both hop in the car and drive to the airport. On the way there I book the flight.

Not much words ate said on the way there but it was a nice car ride if I do say so myself. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was peaceful.

When we made it to the airport we rushed in because we were about to miss our flight. We were running through the airport and trying to rush the security. Which didn't go well at all. We cause a scene and that ended up bad. We cashed such a commotion they would not let us on the plane.

This can't be hapening right now. I need to get to Texas right away. I need to see my dad. I start to cry.

D:" Liza, babe its gonna be okay. We will find another way to get there I promise. Just calm down and take a deep breath"I take a deep breath and look up at David.

I hug him and cry into his chest. He rubs my back while holding me. He shh's me.

I don't even know why I'm crying. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed and need to take a break.

L:" Can we drive up there"
D:" Ya of course pookie"
L:" I love you"
D:" And I love you"

He kisses me on the lips. Even tho I just kissed him yesterday it feels like its been ages.

~Davids POV~

We are driving to Texas and I look over at Liza and she is asleep. She looks so cute.

I finally have my Liza back. Well I guess I haven't officially asked her back out yet. But I have something planned. Its gonna be great. I'm planning something big.

~Liza POV~

I wake up to see David looking out the front window smiling. He's so cute when he smiles. He should do it more.

L:" Good morning Bubba"
D:" it's not morning but okay"
L:" What were you smiling about"
D:"just how beautiful you are"
L:" Awww"

Davids phone pinged.

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