Chapter 18

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~David pov~

I saw Liza and a GUY!!!! Wait why is his arm around her waist!!!I skated over to them..

D:" Hey that's my girlfriend!!!"( okay I am gonna skip through all of this since you already know what happened)

After he punched me the last time everything went black...I could hear everything just I could not see.

L:" David!!! David please don't leave me I need you!!!

I tried to scream I am here but nothing came out of my mouth and Liza was still there sobbing it hurt me to hear her like this...I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay that I'm fine...I wanted to make her laugh. I wanted to see her smile.Then all of a sudden there was nothing except the screaming of the nurses...Everything disapeared I heard nothing, saw nothing...I did not know what was going on...I wanted to scream and shout for somebody to hear me but that was not happening...everything was gone...was I dead!?!? No I could not be...I can't be dead If I am thinking...why can't I say anything or hear anything or feel anything...o need help...

~Liza pov~

I can't believe my bubba is in a coma...they don't know if he will ever wake up again. I need him to be okay..I can't live without him...I sis beside his bed holding his hand just watching for any movement from him...but there was nothing...

I have been sitting here for two days now looking for any sign that he will be okay...the nurses keep trying to get me to eat but I'm not hungry...I can't eat without my Bubba being okay... I need him to hug me to tell me everything will be okay...I want him to call me pookie and princess and babe...I want him to be okay...

L:" please be okay bubba"I wipered this in his ear
L:" I need you, I can't lose you....please don't leave me...I don't think I can live without you..."

He still does not move from his spot...he lays still without and emotion or reaction...I cry into his chest...I need him to be okay...

~Gabbie pov~

I have not heard from Liza in like two days...I knew something was wrong considering we usually talk everyday...I decided to call her...

~Liza pov~

My phone started to buzz in my pocket...I looked at the screen to do Gabbie name...I hesitated whether I should answer in or not but I did...

L:"Hello" no emotion at all
G:" Hey Girl what's up...are you okay"
L:" No I'm not" I say this while sobbing
G:" Liza what is wrong!!!"
L:" D-david is i-in a-a c-c-coma!!!!"I sob even harder than I did before
G:" Oh my god Liza where is he at!!!"
L:" the hospital on 5th st"I can't seem to keep my crying in check
G:" I'm on my way"

And with that she hung up..I'm glad I won't be the only one here...I am starting to eat myself alive juts sitting here thinking about David...

N:" Hey, I just came to check and make sure he was okay"
L:" Okay, do I need to move"
N:" No you are fine where you are"
L:" okay"

Im sure my eyes are all red and puffy from crying...I've cried so much...I'm surprised my eyes haven't swollen shut

N:" Okay all done....You should try and eat something...u can order somethimg if you like"
L:" No I'm fine"
N:" Okay"

Right before she left Gabbie barged in almost knocking her down...The nurse stops her and whispers to her.

N:" You should try and get your friend to eat she has not ate the whole time"
G:" okay I will try"
N:" thanks"
G:" NP"

Gabbie walks over to me and hugs me...I cry into her shoulder...she rubs my back trying to sooth me but nothing can sooth me until David wakes up..

G:" Liza I'm sorry that I did not call sooner"
L:" its fine"
G:" no its not".

I stay silent and look over at David who still has not moved... I sigh

L:" I miss him so much"
G:" I know you do"
L:" why did this have to happen"
G:" Fate I guess"
L:" if only we would not have gone skating...this is all my fault I could have said no or not been so playful with him"
G:" Liza look at me" she pushes my head towards her" this is not you fault...don't blame yourself for what happened..."
L:" But I'm the reason Gabs he would not be here if it wasn't for me"
G:" what do you mean"

I told her the story not sparing a detail....she says that she has to go to work and will be back later....

I'm left alone in the room again just my thoughts consume everything that i do...All I can think about is how it is my fault that David is in here....I miss him so much...I go and crawl next to him and lay my head down on his shoulder...I start to have a 'conversation' with him about our past lives and how much I love him and everything...Eventually I fall asleep next to him...

I got woken up by a nurse tapping my shoulder...

N:" Hey Hun....I need you to move real quick so I can get his vitals"

I slowly slide off the bed and wait for her to be done...when she is done I climb back in bed with David and just stare at him like a creaper...I keep thinking about how much I love him and how I can't liv without him...I need him to be okay for me...I love him so much and can't bare to lose him....I want o grow old and have kids together....I want to be happily married and die together....I want to be baried next to him...I want his last name...Elizabeth Shaila Dobrik...that sounds nice...and with that I fall asleep cuddlomg my bubba

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