Chapter 2

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so uhm i got bored and did chapter 2, enjoy 



Damn it! How did I let that happen? A stupid question. I knew exactly how I let it happen.

I had faded into the shadows. A trick I had learned from my vampire mentor Rowan, although even after more than 500 years, he was still better at it than me. I was watching Damon and the man he called Ric walk back across the street into the bar. He bit me, I thought with a silent chuckle. As soon as they stepped inside the bar, I released my hold of the shadows and was myself once again.

It had been 152 years since the last time I had seen Damon Salvatore, and I had missed him so much it was nearly painful.

I was somewhere in between aggrieved and ecstatic that Damon seemed to remember seeing me before. Ecstatic, because he was the only man I had ever loved, and while I had spent all these years running all over the country and the next, tracking people and doing research for Rowan, I had missed Damon every single day. Aggrieved because I had to leave him in the first place.

When he had drawn me into his chest and pleaded for me to stay in the bar, it had taken every ounce of my willpower and better judgment to puncture him with that toothpick and run away. I winced at the memory, hating that I had caused him pain, however minor. I told myself my actions had been necessary, Damon wouldn't let me go, and knew if we were seen together publicly it could put him in danger. A danger that Rowan and I had been tracking for centuries. Klaus.

Unfortunately, he was an elusive little bastard, and every time we thought we were close to catching him, he vanished.

My thoughts drifted back to Damon, and I found myself contemplating spying on him. While I knew that I couldn't fade into the shadows for more than a few minutes at a time, I had an alternative. My panther form. My mother was an original druid priestess from Ireland, and all the original druids had the ability to shape shift into a specific animal. Druids worshipped the earth, and in turn reaped its magic. They were extremely powerful, until Klaus massacred all of them in the 1400s. My mother was still pregnant with me when he compelled the English guardsmen to round up all the druid 'heretics' and slit their throats, as he was busy playing the part of an English nobleman and didn't want to dirty his own hands.

It had been Rowan who tried feeding my mother his own blood to save her. He was madly in love with her, and found out what had happened all too late. My mother drank a small bit of his blood, enough to save me from dying a complete death, but not enough to save herself. Rowan took me out of her stomach, and at first thought he had been too late to save me too, but within a few hours, I was (re)born as a vampire. A druid vampire hybrid.

I am the only one of my kind, and besides Rowan, no one, not even Klaus knows what I am. I have the ability to walk in the sunlight without any type of spells or charms, and I am more powerful, physically and mentally than normal vampires. I am immune to compulsion, though I am also unable to compel.

Yes, I could leave my car parked here, shift into panther form, make sure Damon made it home safely and he would be none the wiser.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts. It was Rowan.


"You saw him tonight, didn't you?" he asked flatly. Rowan was wasting no time on pleasantries.

"Yes," I stated simply, knowing it was no use lying to him.

"Rhiannon, when I asked you to come back here, it wasn't so you could reunite. There was a reason I compelled him to forget you all those years ago."

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