Chapter 12

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3rd POV

Rhiannon's Bed

It was just after midnight, and Damon and Rhiannon were nestled peacefully in each other's arms. They had spent the last several hours worshipping and exploring one another, and were now contentedly resting.

Rhiannon's head was resting on Damon's bare chest, and her right knee was draped leisurely over his legs. She had allowed herself to forget about Klaus, even if only for that one night, so that she could enjoy being reunited with the one that she had loved and missed for 150 years.


Her Damon.

Nothing will ever tear us apart again, I will never allow it, Rhiannon thought. The absolute certainty of the thought made her smile against Damon's skin.

Damon felt her smile and instinctively his right arm tightened around Rhiannon's back, and he bent down and kissed the top of her head lovingly. Laying with her like this felt heavenly. Damon knew that because he was a vampire, he would likely never see any real Heaven, but if he could spend forever with her, that was enough for him. Rhiannon had brought him such happiness, and the purity of his love for her sanctified his soul. Every time he looked into her emerald eyes, it was like some higher power granted him redemption for all his past sins. Damon now understood that the hallowed emptiness that he had been harboring all these years wasn't over missing Katherine, who he had believed to have been in the tomb, or over Elena, who he had not met yet. The emptiness was a result of a love so strong that not even compulsion could obliterate it. Absentmindedly, he pulled her even closer.

Rhiannon turned her face up to look at him through her eyelashes and smiled.

God, he is so perfect. I could spend an eternity laying with him like this and never get used to it, she thought.

"I'm staying right here," she promised him, batting her eyes flirtatiously.

"Oh, trust me, I know," Damon replied as a sexy grin spread across his face and his right arm coiled strongly around her, locking her position beside him.

Rhiannon laughed at him, and squeezed her grip around his torso. "I will never leave again," she whispered.

Damon smirked. "Well just in case you decide to try, I'm a hell of a lot more capable of stopping you than I was last time around. And FYI, I also take a daily dose of vervain, so you can just pass that juicy tidbit on to who it may concern," he stated, alluding to Rowan. He paused, and his brow furrowed a little. "Why is it that you can't be compelled?"

Rhiannon shot him a smug smile. She knew this had to have driven him crazy wondering why he had failed, especially after he had drank her blood that night and noticed she wasn't on vervain.

I will tell him everything now, no more secrets, Rhiannon thought.

Suddenly, the obnoxious sound of a trumpeting cell phone interrupted her. Damon sighed heavily, and dramatically flopped his head back on the pillow. He knew it was one of two people: Stefan or Ric. Damon presumed Stefan would still be too preoccupied with Elena and too chickenshit to make any type of traceable call, so that meant it was probably Alaric.

Ugh! Ric has got to get a life! And get the hell outta mine! He needs to get laid and stop cockblocking me all the damn time!

By the time Damon reluctantly peeled himself away from Rhiannon to retrieve his phone, he saw that he had seven missed calls, all from Alaric. He groaned and rolled his eyes as he powered off the device, ensuring it would be the cause of no more interruptions. Damon settled himself back in bed, this time lying on his stomach, resting his head on Rhiannon's hips. He began tracing patterns through the silk sheets onto her hipbone. "You were saying?" he prompted.

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