Chapter 13

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Damon's POV

So, Rhiannon thinks she is some kind of magically invincible, Klaus-proof, immortal. That's nice. I see I'm gonna need to keep a close watch on her, and definitely not let on like I know where the bastard lives. Maybe I should consider staying here for awhile, to supervise her. It wouldn't hurt anything, and its not like I would be bored here with her. I can think of tons of things to do with Rhiannon.

The thoughts plastered a smile across my face and I looked down at the gorgeous redhead sprawled out across my chest. I dipped my nose close to her head and inhaled deeply, taking in her jasmine scent and ignoring the hair that tickled my nose. I ran my hand up and down the length of Rhiannon's back as she slept soundly. I realized that I would be glad when she woke up, because even though we had spent the past several hours together, it had not made up for the lifetimes that we had lost. I had missed Rhiannon. Immensely.

My mind unwillingly shifted back to the only thing that still threatened our happiness. Klaus. Damn him. Why the hell couldn't he have just picked some other town, anywhere else, to haunt?

Because Klaus is a dick, that's why.

Briefly I considered pulling a Stefan, taking Rhi and getting the hell outta dodge, going a thousand miles in any random direction, not telling anyone where we were going. There would be no one to tell, really. Stefan didn't seem to give a shit. He had his head so far up Elena's ass, he didn't care about anyone else. And Elena had made her choice, and though she didn't choose me, it didn't matter anymore now that I had Rhiannon. Stefan and Elena were unreachable anyway. Part of my little brother's master plan. Caroline was wrapped up with Tyler, not that Vampire Barbie cared where I went anyway. And if Caroline didn't care, Bonnie sure as hell didn't care. The only person who would give a crap would be Ric.

Ah, Ric. He'd probably try to tag along. Ric isn't so bad, not if you can get over his ridiculous hair, his bad taste in clothes, and his occasional tendency to try to micromanage me. Seriously, he should know better by now. Ric could tag along, as long as he kept his mitts off of my girl, that is. I mean, I know I slept with his wife, but still...

I knew I was wasting time plotting through all of this, because Rhi would never agree to leaving Mystic Falls. I stifled a groan so I wouldn't wake her.

No she would not agree to leave. Of course, not. That would make things too easy. She would start up with that shit about how she was the one who had to kill Klaus, and she would not run away. It normally wasn't in me to run either, that's why I agreed to stay behind after Stefan and Elena left. I had nothing left to lose, except my miserable existence. But in the past day, that had all change. I had something, someone, that was beyond precious to me. I couldn't stand the thought of Klaus hurting her. I had to protect her, but she wanted to protect me.

She had been told by someone (probably Rowan) that some witchy voodoo had made her invincible, a true immortal, and that it also granted her the ability to kill Klaus, aka The Asshole with any regular wooden stake.

Does this sound reliable to me? I'm gonna go with no. No it doesn't. At least not reliable enough for me to be comfortable with Rhi facing off with him, and then find out, 'Oops! Someone got their facts twisted.'

It was a shot in the dark, at best. Her life was too valuable to leave to chance.

I had been a little surprised earlier when I told her I would be going home in the morning that she did not argue her point. I remembered her well enough to know how stubborn Rhiannon was, but she had just dropped it.

I shoved all the thoughts away, knowing that all of it could wait till morning. I sighed contentedly, pulled her small body closer to mine and fell asleep within minutes.

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