Chapter 29

27 2 1

3rd POV

"Honestly, Rhiannon, I am so sorry. Like, I don't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't have said those things about Damon, and I had no reason to be so rude to you," Caroline apologized for the umpteenth time.

Rhi almost laughed at the blonde's eagerness to be forgiven. She knew she had initially wanted to snap her pretty little neck, but Caroline's remorse seemed genuine enough.

"Its alright, Caroline," Rhi told her as she glanced around the room to find Damon, finally spying him standing in the far corner of the bar talking to Alaric. With all the noise in the room, she couldn't make out their conversation, but she could easily tell that both of them were in good spirits, laughing at a joke possibly made at the other's expense. Rhi smiled brightly as she watched Damon and Ric. She hadn't been able to pick up too much on Damon's thoughts tonight, but she was content that when she did, they radiated only sheer happiness and at times, even excitement.

"Of course its not alright!" Caroline screeched, bringing her back to reality. "I acted like a complete bitch to you. You should hate me, or claw my eyes out or something!"

Rhiannon managed to contain her laughter as she listened to Caroline's words, especially the word 'claw.' She knew the girl had no idea how close to accuracy she actually was.

"I did break your hand," Rhi reminded her.

"No harm done. I heal fast. And I deserved it."

"I don't really like resorting to violence, Caroline. But when it comes to Damon..." Rhi trailed off as she stared across the bar at the object of her affection and his best friend. She knew that despite all the antagonistic comments and teasing, Damon and Ric were the best of friends. Her mouth nearly dropped open when she saw Ric lean in and give Damon a hug.

Those two are taking their bromance to a whole new level tonight, apparently, Rhi giggled to herself.

"He's different with you," Caroline said, recapturing her attention.

"I'm sorry, what?" Rhi said. She had still been too fixated on Ric and Damon hugging to remember the conversation. Rhi also wondered why something about the situation reminded her of Damon's mystery errand to the old Salvatore Estate.

"Damon. He's different with you. I was watching the two of you dance earlier and he just looked so happy for a change. More than happy, even. Damon looked like he was walking on freakin' sunshine!" Caroline said, almost in disbelief of her own observation.

Rhi beamed back at her. She knew Damon was exceptionally elated tonight, but Rhi still appreciated the fact that his good humor didn't go unnoticed by the others. Anxious to be back next to Damon, Rhi began to excuse herself and slide down off the bar stool when suddenly someone blocked her way.

An tall, muscular guy with short brown hair stared down at her with a flirtatious smile plastered across his attractive face.

"You're late!" Caroline snapped at him, but he ignored her.

"I don't think we've met," he said to Rhi as his brown eyes softened. "I'm Jeremy."

Rhi was about to introduce herself when a snarky voice interrupted her.

"Take a hike, Baby Gilbert," Damon said curtly, but not entirely void of amusement. "This one's taken."

Jeremy left without another word, but not before giving Rhiannon one last look. Something in his eyes told Rhi that he pitied her, though she was at a loss for any reason why.

"I can't leave you alone for two seconds," Damon said with mock frustration.

"Have fun bonding with Alaric?" Rhi asked him.

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