Chapter 5

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The first part of this chapter won't have as much Damon interaction in it. (I can practically hear your groans) I know, but I didn't create Rhiannon & Rowan (who you will meet in this chapter) to be fluffy characters. I wanted to give them their own storyline, independent of the other TVD stuff. I promise we will get to the Damon scenes soon!


3rd person 

Rhiannon struggled hard to fight the pull that tethered her to Damon. She picked up her momentum, her large paws pounding against the forest floor, every bound carrying her closer to Leamineagh, the home she had not seen in ages.

In her feral form, Rhiannon arrived in less than ten minutes. Rowan had told her that the Battle of Willow Creek had claimed the above ground portion of the estate, but it was still a shock for her, seeing it for the first time in person.

There was nothing noticeable, nothing that stood out about the site. Anyone who wasn't looking for it would miss the moss and leaf covered trap door that was the entry to all that remained of Leamineagh.

Stealthily, Rhiannon prowled over to the door, pausing briefly to make sure she was alone. The only creature for a good quarter mile was a large black crow that was perched on a pine branch. Seeing nothing to cause any alarm, she used her mouth to take hold of the metal loop, raising it to open the door, and disappearing quickly.

Rhiannon stalked down a set of stairs, stopping at the base to visualize her true form, and felt the shimmer of her transformation.

There was an archway in front of her that led to an open room the size of a basketball court. The floor of the large room was covered with cushioned mats, the walls adorned with various weaponry, some of which Rhiannon was familiar with, others she had never seen. She knew instantly that this was the training room, where Rowan would help her sharpen every skill that she had honed over the past 500 years. Though she had trained by herself while she had been away, none of it compared to having Rowan as her combat opponent. It had been decades since she had trained with him, but she could easily recall how grueling his sessions were. Rowan never hesitated on using his full force on her. Not that she minded. They both knew that when the time came, Klaus would not handle her gently. The more prepared she was, the better.

Rowan was an older vampire than Rhiannon, just how old was information he had never disclosed. She was only marginally stronger than him, and he was definitely capable of hurting her.

Rhiannon looked up to see Rowan coming out of a doorway at the far end of the room. Seeing her, the dark-haired vampire rushed over to her, wrapping her in his arms.

Though she was a little caught off guard, Rhiannon was not entirely surprised. She knew Rowan would occasionally react this way when he went long periods of time without seeing her. He was beaming when he pulled back to look at her, his grey eyes misted with emotion. She watched his face harden as he inhaled, and she didn't need to wonder what his problem was. Rhiannon knew he could smell Damon Salvatore all over her.

***A/N This next portion is still in 3rd POV, but looks a bit more closely at Rowan***

Rowan had just put the finishing touches on her room when he spied Rhiannon. The sight of her, especially after a long separation, was always enough to take his breath away. With her bright green eyes and dark red hair, Rhiannon was identical to her mother, Isolde. Sometimes Rowan thought fate had played a cruel joke on him, taking the life of the woman he would've given his very soul to for, and leaving him as the guardian of her daughter, her carbon copy.

Without her even knowing it, Rhiannon's face haunted him, forever serving as a reminder of the girl he could not save.

The extended trips that he had Rhiannon on, always under the pretenses of doing research on Klaus, were sometimes just excuses to distance himself from her. Occasionally, Rowan thought she suspected what he was doing, namely when his leads turned up nothing and his sources proved non-existent, but she never said anything.

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