Chapter 34

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Rhiannon's POV

"You're making me wear what ?" I screeched as I watched Damon retrieve a black neck tie out of his glove box. I knew he had been acting pretty sketchy and secretive today, but the idea of blindfolding me took things to a whole new level. I trusted him of course, but the idea seemed a little sudden and risky, especially considering the wayward trajectory our night had taken.

"Relax, Kitten," Damon laughed as he knotted the tie firmly at the back of my head, effectively robbing me of my vision. "Its only for the car ride, then you can take it off."

"Wait-hold on a second!" I said as I began to tug at the fabric covering my eyes, but a firm set of hands stopped my efforts.

"Ah, ah, ah," he chided me gently, and readjusted the tie. Damon's good humor had returned to him. I did not know the reason for it, but I was thankful to hear the smile in his voice all the same. "Don't make me have to restrain those hands too," he added playfully.

"You could try," I teased him back. "Haven't we already had this discussion tonight?"

"Oh, but I could make it worth your wile," Damon promised me. "Trust me."

His last words were a blatant promise, laced with such seduction that for an instant I forgot what we were talking about. It was ridiculous how distracting Damon could be sometimes, especially now when I could not even see him. Not that I needed to see him to remember how mesmerizing those blue eyes were, or how devastatingly beautiful his smile was. The man was perfection in its most basic form. Anyone who argued that was an idiot.

I could almost feel Damon's satisfaction radiating throughout the confines of his car. Damon knew he had succeeded in distracting me, and with that, he cranked the engine of his car. I took a deep breath only to be assaulted by his delicious scent, the perfect blend of chocolate, various spices, and bourbon, all magnetized to their most potent extent within the small confines of his car. I struggled briefly to get a grip on myself.

"Given everything that's just happened, do you really think it's a good idea for me to be blindfolded right now?" I reasoned.

"Rhi, if you're referring to those two goons… please!" he remarked carelessly. "Don't insult me. I can handle those idiots by myself, you can just sit there and look pretty. Which, you do very well, might I add."

His tone was so convincing, I almost believed he really wasn't concerned about what Kol and Rebekah might be plotting. But whether or not I bought into his nonchalance, my main concern was Damon's safety.

"But Damon-"

"But nothing, Rhi," he interjected as I felt the car make a right turn. "Look, I know that you're worried. I get it. But can we please - please- forget about the shitstorm that happened earlier and just focus on us tonight? Or what's left of tonight, anyway?"

There was a slight urgency in his voice, a barely concealed desperation that had not been there before. Damon needed this break from the hell that was going on around us. How could I deny him that? I gnawed at my lip as I weighed my options. My pragmatic side and my need to protect Damon warred with my emotions and my desire to give into whatever he asked for. For the moment, I was almost thankful to have something obstructing my vision so I could think clearly. The sight of Damon was always one hell of a distraction.

"How much longer do I have to wear this thing?" I grumbled, though it came out more humorously than I had snorted with laughter.

"Not much longer now, I promise. That is, unless you want to keep it on. You know, for later."

I exhaled out of my mouth and shook my head at his attempt at diverting me. I tried to keep my face serious, but I could feel my resolve begin to falter.

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