Chapter 18

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Rhiannon was halfway to the entrance to Klaus's mansion when the excruciating pain inside her head abruptly vanished. She did not know whether to be relieved that Damon was no longer hurting or worry about its sudden halt, but she huffed and pushed her paws harder against the ground.

She was suddenly overcome with a rush of love into her mind, so intense she fought hard to keep her stride from faltering. It was Damon. He was projecting to her, sending his love to her, but something was all wrong about it. As beautiful as it was, there was a bittersweet note of finality to it that brought tears to her eyes.

Something is wrong. Deathly wrong, Rhiannon thought.

I love you Damon! Just hang on, I'm coming! she projected with all of her mental strength.

She bounded up to the front door, and dived through the side window pane, shattering glass everywhere. Under normal circumstances, Rhiannon would have preferred to go about this in a more stealthy manner, but that would mean sacrificing time she did not have, not if she was going to save Damon.

She heard an immediate silence fall upon the next room, and felt another projection from Damon. Though Rhiannon was relieved to feel anything from him at all, the sadness and despair from his projection was staggering.

In two leaps, Rhiannon bounded over to the main room, and let out a loud roar at what she saw.

*Shortly before all this...*

Damon knew something was off as soon as he set foot inside the elaborate manor. He was supposed to be meeting Elijah about some new information concerning the whereabouts of this legendary white oak, if the damned thing even existed at all.

Damon knew it was a shot in the dark, but it was worth all the hassle and more to him if he could prevent Rhiannon from facing off with Klaus.

Maybe she really is a true immortal, he thought. Okay, okay, after everything I've seen, she probably is. But it doesn't mean I have to like it. I don't want her anywhere near that bastard.

Elijah had left him a message earlier stating that Klaus had left unexpectedly on the hunt for Stefan and Elena after receiving some anonymous tip. Normally Damon might have selflessly thrown himself in the middle of that mess, in hopes of distracting Klaus from hunting down his brother and the doppelganger, but he had much more pressing matters to attend to. After all, Stefan and Elena had not given anyone besides their own hides a single thought since skipping town last week, and Damon decided he would think about his and his own for a change.

You reap what you sow, he thought.

But as Damon stepped inside the doorway, even the air seemed almost sinister.

"Well, well, well! What have we here?" an unfortunately all-too-familiar British accent said.

Damon couldn't keep the grimace off of his face at the recognition of it. Briefly he thought about turning and leaving, but really what was the point? This showdown was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Come now, Damon. Don't be shy! Join us!" Klaus's voice beckoned him from the next room.

Damon took a deep breath and reluctantly strolled into the room. He was surprised, but then again, not too surprised, to see Elijah, daggered lifelessly at Klaus's feet. There was another man that Damon did not recognize, standing off in the corner.

Probably another one of his damn mutant minions that he has created. Add another one to the list. Way to bring the neighborhood down, Klaus, Damon thought.

"Don't look so glum, mate!" Klaus began. "You see, Elijah doesn't understand the importance of being truthful. Not keeping secrets from me is quite crucial. I thought he had learned his lesson from before, but then again, he as always been a slow learner. But cheer up! You don't have to meet the same fate Elijah has."

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