Chapter 4

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 I know some of you are really anxious for Rhiannon to clue Damon in on her secret. It won't happen in this chapter, but I promise it is in the works =) I'm working on Chapter 5 as quickly as I can manage, but I've unfortunately found myself at a crossroad concerning which direction I want to take the plot. I will say that no matter what, you will soon see a much more bad ass Rhiannon. I have tried not to make her too soft, but keep in mind that Damon is her one true love who she has kept herself away from for his own good for the past 162 years, so seeing him again is gonna bring out a lot of emotion in her.

For those of you who asked for a visualization of Rhiannon, I pictured Lucy Hale with deep red hair.

and i was really bored this weekend so i wrote two chapters of this, so ill post one now and one in a few days. enjoy.


3rd person POV

"You only know what I want you to,

I know everything you don't want me to."

Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars

Damon was overcome with emotion at the sight if her, the memory of loving her creeping closer to becoming a reality every second he was around her.

He stared into Rhiannon's worried eyes, immediately wishing he knew the cause of her trouble. Of course he knew if he came right out and asked her what was wrong, she probably wouldn't tell him.

Damn evasive woman, he thought. Damon sighed, and the sweet scent of jasmine hit him like a Mack truck.

"Are you alright?" Rhiannon asked urgently, searching for any sign of an injury.

Damon narrowed his eyes at her, deep in thought. Just as he was about to go searching for her, there she was on his doorstep, concerned about his safety.

"I'm fine," his blue eyes turned suspiciously. "Why?"

"I heard glass and I -" the words flew out of Rhiannon's mouth too quickly for her to filter them. Dammit, she thought. She hadn't wanted him to know that she had been lingering around, eavesdropping on him. It was bad enough that he had found her on his doorstep. Overcome with embarrassment, now that she knew Damon was safe, she forced her mouth to close. My first instinct is always to be honest with him, that's my problem, she told herself.

A sexy grin spread across Damon's face. He was delighted that she had been stalking him. As he always says, hot trumps weird. And Rhiannon was most assuredly hot.

"Wow. Stalker much? I hope you left the toothpicks at home this time." he joked, but her eyes fell to the ground. Unable to stop himself, he took a step closer to her, closing the gap between them. His hands pulled her face up to look at him. "What were you doing here?"

"I came to check on you." That much was true. The intensity of his blue eyes was enough to cause her self control to crumble. Rhiannon had found the human version of Damon attractive enough, but the vampirism had raised his confidence and sex appeal through the roof. Unfortunately, immortality had also given him an unhealthy affinity for alcohol and made him emotionally unstable, she thought sorrowfully.

He has enough problems without me making his life a bigger mess, she told herself.

"By all means, check away," he smirked, wagging his eyebrows and doing his 'eye-thing.'

What the hell is that and why is it so attractive? Rhiannon wondered. Gathering her courage, she stepped back away from him. The close proximity of his body made it difficult for her to form coherent thoughts, and it sure as hell clouded her judgment. Damon's face fell slightly at her action, but he composed himself quickly.

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