Chapter 8

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Without any further delay, here is Chapter 8. The first part is in Rhiannon’s POV, the second half is in Damon’s. Enjoy and as always please review =) That’s what fuels my creativity! A big thank you to all my diligent reviewers, you know who you are!



“Isolde,” the attractive man standing right in front of me said. The way his voice caressed over my mother’s name sounded like a prayer.

My hand instinctively twitched, wanting to snap the wooden heel off of my boot, but I calmed when I looked into his dark eyes. His eyes held the promise that he meant me no harm.

But he obviously doesn’t know me, he thinks I am my mother. Who is this man and how did he know her? Despite these questions, I thought it best to remain silent for now, and see what I could learn.

“You look the same that you did the last time I saw you in that meadow,” he said, his voice full of amazement. He took a step closer to close the gap between us and brought his right hand up to gently touch the side of my face.

“My God, I have missed you. All these years I thought I had been too late to save you. But here you stand before me, as enchanting as ever. Rowan turned you, I presume? Is he still around, chasing after your affections?”

I didn’t want to end the charade so soon and expose myself. “What are you doing here?” I asked him, struggling to keep my voice innocent.

I watched as his eye’s glazed over with jealousy. “I traced that Salvatore here. The reckless one, Damon. Do you have dealings with him?”

Outside of Klaus, the only sure-fire way of putting me into a murderous rage was to make me feel like Damon was in danger. I had killed for him before, and I would gladly do it again to make sure he is safe. My eyes narrowed on the stranger. I tried to take a step back, but he caught me and pulled me close to kiss me.

Big mistake.

Drinking those blood bags had already granted me more speed and dexterity. This guy was obviously a vampire, a very old one at that if he knew my mother, but I alone harnessed the power of the ancient druids. My lethality, especially when coupled with human blood was unparalleled.

I flipped horizontally and caught the base of his throat with my hand, forcing him down to the ground. Once he was on his back, I bent my right knee up into my chest and dug the heel of my boot into his sternum, all the while keeping my firm grasp around his throat.

“What do you want with Damon?!” I hissed through my bared fangs. The stranger lay stunned beneath me, startled by my rage.

“Isolde---” he started.

“I am not Isolde!” I roared back viciously. “And God help me, if you do not tell me what you want with Damon Salvatore, your next breath will be your last!”

The man’s dark eyes only widened. He made no attempt to answer me, whether out of shock or secrecy I was unsure. Nor did I care. I had given him ample warning and made my demand perfectly clear. I was not in the practice of making empty threats, so I tightened my grip around his neck until I began to feel the bones in his cervical spine begin to snap. I rotated my heel on his chest one last time for emphasis, about to plunge it into his heart when a familiar voice stopped me.


Without turning to face him, I knew it was Rowan. I felt the breeze from his speedy arrival brush against my back, and took a deep breath trying to regain some self control.

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