Chapter 20

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Maybe it was the fact that they had gotten so little sleep since they reunited, or maybe they just felt so comfortable wrapped in each other's arms. Whatever the reason, Damon and Rhiannon slept for an entire 24 hours, and didn't open their eyes until 6am the next morning. When Rhiannon awoke, the first thing she remembered was Rowan. The sadness gripped her like an iron vice, her heart hurt so badly she nearly was in physical pain, and unwelcome but nevertheless present tears stung her eyes. She closed her eyes tightly, and took a deep breath.

Wherever Rowan is now, I don't believe he is missing Mother anymore. Maybe he is even with her, and he can finally be happy. Rowan deserves happiness after all these years he has suffered, she told herself.

The tightness in her chest began to wither away, and with another breath she wiped away the tears that managed to escape her eyes. Rhiannon knew she would always miss Rowan. Without him loitering around, guiding her, training her, teaching her, there was a part of her heart that was gone. She knew there was no point of trying to get it back, because he had taken it with him when he died. Rowan had sacrificed himself to save Damon, his last act of unselfishness for which Rhiannon would be ever grateful. It was a debt she knew she could never repay to him, but she at least hoped Rowan had found peace, wherever he was now. And maybe if it wasn't too much to ask, Rhiannon prayed that he was finally with her mother, Isolde.

She smiled at the thought of what she hoped for Rowan, and decided she didn't think it was too much to ask. No matter what he was, Rowan was innately good. If he wasn't deemed worthy of Heaven, he at least deserved Isolde. And Rhiannon knew that to him, Isolde and Heaven were one in the same. A small noise interrupted her thought process. A snore coming from behind her head. She was suddenly overcome with the desire to see Damon's face, as if she had missed him badly after all the time they spent asleep. Her anxious desire to see him at war with her consideration of not wishing to wake him, she carefully pried herself out of his arms, forcing herself to be gentle, and twisted around so she could see his face.

After all this time he still snores, she smiled to herself.

It wasn't an obnoxious noise, it was actually quite endearing, but then again there was very little Rhiannon didn't find endearing about Damon. His dark hair was ruffled, poking in all directions. She grinned and shook her head slightly as she thought to herself that no one made bed head look near as sexy as Damon did. His full lips were barely parted as he inhaled and exhaled. He was shirtless, which was another glorious sight, and sprawled out peacefully across the bed.

Rhiannon knew that even angels had to be envious of how beautiful he was. Damon was especially breathtaking when he was asleep. There was no threat of snarky comments escaping his perfect mouth, not that any of them were usually directed at her anyhow. There was no sexually suggestive wiggling of his eyebrows, not that she really minded that either. There was just Damon, looking beautiful and innocent.

Rhiannon could smell the distinct aroma of coffee wafting through the room, and she guessed that Alaric was downstairs. She was thankful that Damon had such a good friend, someone who obviously even cared enough to kill for him, and risk his own life in the process.

Even though none of that will be necessary anymore, Rhi thought triumphantly.

Her throat was a little dry, and though she wasn't a coffee person, Rhi decided to venture downstairs to go in search of some tea bags. She gently lifted herself off the bed, smiling at Damon who remained undisturbed. She was still wearing his pajama pants and one of his white undershirts, which obviously looked a lot different on her than on him.

In the kitchen, she found Alaric facing away from her, looking out the window.

"Good morning," Rhi said to him cheerfully.

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