Chapter 24

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3rd POV

After Rhiannon's showdown with Katherine, Stefan had politely stayed over at Alaric's apartment for a couple days in an attempt to give Damon and Rhi some time together without any interruptions. And with this gift of privacy, they had enjoyed one another on nearly every flat surface in his bedroom, at least twice. It was late in the afternoon, and Damon was propped up on pillows, slurping on a blood bag like it was a juice box and deep in thought. Rhi was leaning against his chest, sipping on a cup of hot tea that Damon had made for her.

"You put milk in my tea for me," she noticed with a smile, clearly impressed.

"I remembered," he murmured into her hair as he interlaced his fingers with hers, twisting the Claddagh ring on her finger.

"Good job."

"Do I get brownie points?" Damon asked her inquisitively.

"Since when do you need them with me?" Rhi laughed.

"This is true," he conceded after a moment's consideration. "Though it never hurts to have any saved up."

"Fine. You get brownie points, Damon."

"Yes!" Damon shouted, full of mock enthusiasm.

"Now, I hope this doesn't give you any inclination to do something you'll need to cash them in for…" she playfully chided him.

"And risk the wrath of the big bad kitten? What are you, crazy? No thanks, you've scared me straight into a life of pledged obedience."

"Scared?" Rhi teased back. "You didn't look so scared a little while ago."

Damon shook his head at her with complete amusement and placed her empty tea cup on his nightstand along with the empty blood bag. "I'm not even gonna dignify that with an answer," he told her, changing positions so that his head was now in her lap, facing up to look at her. Sometimes, even after as much time as he had spent with her in these past few days, the sight of her still tried to take his breath away. Damon felt the air catch in the back of his throat. Rhi's long smooth red hair cascaded all around her shoulders, and her lips still a little swollen from being over-kissed. A wide dimpled grin stretched across her face as she stared down at him as she combed her fingers through his tousled dark hair.

God, she is so beautiful, he thought to himself.

"Thank you," Rhi answered his unspoken thought.

"You're most welcome, my little mind reader."

"Hey, I can't help what I hear. Try thinking more quietly."

"There's no thinking quietly about this," Damon said as he took her face into his hands. "I mean, have you seen it?"

I've seen better, she projected back to him as she leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips.

Rhi teased him by tugging lightly on his lower lip, and Damon seized the opportunity to flip her on her back. He pinned her down and whispered in her ear seductively, "Haven't you had enough of that today?"

"Oh, I could never have enough of you," she giggled as his breath tickled her ear, and trailed her fingers down his abdomen. Then she sighed teasingly. "But, I suppose I should let you rest."

"Thank you for granting me a reprieve," Damon joked, as he rolled off of her to pick up his cell phone. He looked at the time, and slightly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Rhi asked him instantly.

"Oh, its nothing. Just this errand that I promised Stefan I would run for him before it got too late today," Damon said as he began dressing himself, causing Rhiannon to only frown deeper.

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