Chapter 26

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3rd POV

Leaving Ric waiting outside, Damon walked into the parlor of the Boarding House, and paused when he saw Rhiannon, sitting on the couch with her back to him. Despite her calm tone on the phone, he had still half-way expected Rhi to be waiting at the door for him, with her claws fully extended, but instead, she was still and so deep in thought she seemed oblivious to his arrival. Damon studied her tense posture, noting that her back was ramrod straight, but her breathing was slow and even.

Odd, Damon thought to himself, his curiosity and concern prompting him to see what she was thinking. All he could sense coming from Rhi was confusion.

His dark eyebrows knitted together, as he leaned against the wall and his blue eyes unfocused. Guilt nipped at Damon, as he knew his mystery errand was the cause of her confusion. But he knew that he couldn't have been honest with her about his true intentions.

Rhi raised herself lithely from the couch, turning around to see Damon staring off into oblivion. Something was off about his expression, and it worried her.

"Damon?" she asked softly.

Damon's head snapped up at the sound of Rhi's voice, his expression changing as he took in the full sight of her. Rhiannon's long red hair fell to her hips and her big emerald green eyes looked larger than usual rimmed and outlined with makeup. The last remaining rays of the setting sun poured through the windows, glancing off the shimmery dress and casting lighted reflections all around her. He wanted to tell her how gorgeous she looked, but his words seemed to be evading him.

"Wow!" Damon finally managed to breathe. He closed the distance between them and pulled Rhiannon into his arms, running his hands over the bare skin of her back that the dress left exposed. Unable to restrain himself, Damon appraised her once again and he marveled at the sight of her. The blackish blue colored dress looked even better on her than he had imagined.

"Nice dress," he murmured against her lips, grinning at his own understatement.

Rhi smiled widely at his compliment, and as she looked into Damon's baby blue eyes, she forget all about her worries. She smiled even wider as she heard the barrage of unspoken compliments coming from his mind, as he desperately searched for the right adjective.

"Thanks. My boyfriend thought so," she quipped.

Damon barely managed to keep himself from wincing at the generic term. He leaned down and kissed her softly, taking her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging before he pulled his face back to look at her.

"Smart man, this boyfriend of yours," Damon grinned devilishly. "Hope he's not jealous."

Her hands moved up his chest, tracing the outline of his muscles, causing him to tense and inhale. Rhiannon giggled.

"Oh, he is. Terribly jealous, actually. He'll be back any minute, you probably should leave," she said playfully, her eyes bright with amusement.

"Not a chance in hell," Damon said in a husky growl. His hands found the bottom of her thighs and picked her up. At lightning speed, he blurred over to the closest wall, and pinned Rhiannon against it. With the wall supporting her back, Rhi wrapped her legs around Damon's waist and her arms around his neck. She locked her ankles together and pulled him closer to her, causing him to moan into her mouth in response. His hands roamed over her body impatiently, unable to decide what part of her he wanted to touch the most.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Damon whispered to her huskily.

"I think I have an idea," Rhi murmured in between his kisses. "I love you more than anything."

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