Chapter 27

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3rd POV

The sun had nearly fully set, and brilliant hues of orange and pinks streaked across the purple painted sky. Damon couldn't wait until the party was over, and he could finally be in solitude with Rhiannon. He could take her where he wanted to take her, ask her what he wanted to ask her, and just be with her. He was on cloud nine, too thrilled even to be nervous anymore or stress over whether Stefan had done everything he had requested.

Damon forced himself to stare out at the road in front of him, instead of at the tiny redhead perched next to him. That dress of hers was rather short, especially now that she was sitting down. As he approached a red light, he grinned like the Cheshire cat when his wrist grazed the bare skin of her thigh as he downshifted.

Rhi peered up at Damon through her heavy, mascara-sooted eyelashes and smiled back at him. His good mood was more than noticeable, it was like a flashing neon sign to anyone around him. Damon had been grinning like a fool the whole car ride, drumming his fingers against the steering wheel and seemed as lighthearted as ever. Rhi was still curious about whatever 'errand' he had been on at the old Salvatore Estate earlier, but his frame of mind was so peacefully happy, she decided it must be innocent. After all, the place was once his home, and Alaric had nothing unusual to report. Well, Ric had fallen asleep on said mission, but Rhiannon decided that was besides the point. Damon was safe, and he was blissfully happy, and to her, that was all that ever mattered.

When they had first piled into the car, Ric was riddled with curiosity at the reason for Damon's good humor. The guy rarely ever cracked a smile, except at someone else's expense, but now he had a ridiculous grin plastered on his face? It just didn't make sense to Alaric, but he was certain it had something to do with Rhi. Eventually, Ric abandoned his suspicion and accepted his friend's good mood.

Happy bastard, Ric thought humorously to himself. But God knows he deserves it after all the shit he's been through for the past... well, damn near forever. But I swear, if he starts whistling and skipping, we can't be friends anymore.

After another mile or so, Damon begin to hum, and Ric's arm promptly shot out to turn the radio on. Some loud and angry blared deafeningly out of the speakers, causing Ric to wince and cover his ears. Damon pressed another button, and a familiar classic played.

More Than A Feeling.

Damon liked it, but thought that the Snow Patrol CD that he had stolen from Stefan probably had a more fitting song. He normally didn't go for that thoughtful, indie stuff, but that particular band had grown on him after listening to them echoing through the house during one of his brother's intense journaling sessions.

As Damon began to turn his CD player on, he was met with firm opposition from the other two passengers in the car.

"No, don't change it!" Rhi nearly shrieked.

"What's wrong with you, man? Don't you know a good song when you hear one?" Ric asked disdainfully, shaking his head in emphasis.

Damon lowered his hand in defeat, and held back a laugh as he watched the girl he loved and his best friend start crooning the lyrics. Rhi's voice was naturally musical, Ric however, needed to work harder at keeping his day job, because a singing career for him was definitely out. The two of them belted out the words to the song, Ric even broke out his air guitar towards the end. Damon couldn't remember the last time he had seen something so ridiculously funny.

Much to Ric's delight, there was a parking spot open across the street from the Grill. Damon parallel-parked, and sinuously exited the car, holding his hand out to help Rhiannon step out. With a little effort, she managed to get out of the car without flashing half of Mystic Falls.

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