Chapter 33

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3rd POV

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Damon shouted, his words a flurried mixture of anger, dread, and impatience.

The evening had gotten off to a great start, and initially held some serious potential for his planned proposal. Damon had been eagerly awaiting the moment he would finally ask Rhi to marry him all night, but little by little, a series of unfortunate events had sabotaged his efforts. And Elijah's most recent disclosure was like spoiled icing on the proverbial cake.

Elijah turned his shrewd stare from Damon to the small redhead and almost instantly his dark eyes softened. "You are the most powerful creature I have encountered," he began, speaking to Rhiannon, "but magical powers aided your creation, and in all my years, I have yet to find magic that lacked loopholes. And as-"

"Hold on, hold on! Wait just a damn minute! Loopholes?" Damon interrupted. He hated Elijah's suspicion, hated considering Rhi being in danger at all, but what Damon hated the most was the uncertainty that shrouded the whole situation.

Frustrated at being interrupted, Elijah closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before continuing to speak to Rhi, ignoring Damon altogether. "As ruthless as Mother is, I know she would take a supreme interest in you and your unique abilities. Whether she would seek to tap into your power to harness it in some way or attempt to destroy you remains to be seen."

Damon snorted in disgusted defiance. "How about Door #3? We leave crazy Witch-Bitch obliviously asleep in eternal slumber where we can all carry on with our lives."

"Oddly enough, I tend to agree with you," Elijah conceded reluctantly, and adjusted the collar of his pressed shirt as if to distract himself. "However Rebekah and Kol may not heed my warning without Mother having been woken."

"Then I will deal with them," Rhi spoke up firmly. Her green eyes gleamed and matched the malice in her words. "Elijah, as their brother, if you value their lives, I suggest you convince them to leave the people I care about alone and unharmed. I am grateful to you for saving Alaric, and that is the sole reason that I will not go hunt the both of them down tonight. But you should realize, I will not be as generous should they attack again. I will kill them, and I will not think twice about it."

Elijah nodded once in agreement of their understanding. He paused before turning to leave, looking as if he would like to say more to Rhiannon, but alas decided not to antagonize the volatile blue-eyed vampire glued to her side any further. Elijah cast one final glance at Alaric and Stefan before he turned and walked off in silence, finally disappearing into the obscure darkness.

Damon stayed frozen in his position, poisoned with disappointment and anxiety. His fists were clenched tightly at his side as he replayed the conversation with Elijah over again in his head, pouring over his words and grasping at anything that particularly stood out. But nothing did.

Damon was still deep in thought when Stefan foolishly interrupted his concentration. "Well, what's the plan now?"

Damon whirled around furiously and unleashed the intensity of his icy stare on Stefan. "Plan, brother? Isn't that just like you, standing around, looking pensive while you wait for me to come up with a master plan to save us all… What? No running for the hills this time with that little whore you like to call a girlfriend?"

"Damon," Rhi chided him with a gentle voice. It wasn't that she didn't necessarily agree with Damon, because for the most part, she did. Stefan had more or less turned his back on Damon when he had ran off with Elena. And after her little stunt with Damon after the party, Rhi had a few choice words for Elena, 'whore' being one of the nicer ones. Regardless, Rhiannon knew that Damon was furious over something that had nothing to do with Stefan.

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