Chapter 15

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3rd POV

Damon was tense, completely on edge as he watched Rhiannon and Rowan battling in the training room.

He knew it was only for practice, and that it was beneficial for Rhiannon, but it was still hard as hell for him to watch and restrain himself from jumping in to intervene.

Both Rowan and Rhiannon moved so swiftly that only superhuman eyes could see the detail in their moves, and even Damon had to pay close attention.

Although he had to admit, watching Rhiannon in action was beyond impressive. She was so graceful, her movements so fluid, if it wasn't so her knocking Rowan around and the occasional snap of his bones, no one would even know that she was fighting. She danced away from him, avoiding nearly all of his offensive advances. No matter how fast Rowan was, Rhi was faster, always a step ahead of him, anticipating his next action. They had been steadily warring with one another for more than an hour and Rowan had yet to land a blow on her.

Over the past 24 hours, Rhiannon had consumed much more human blood than she normally did in her regular diet. As a result, her strength and agility were off the charts.

I guess five pints of soccer mom will do that for you, Damon mused.

Rowan on the other hand, was being beaten to a pulp. Damon could tell that Rhiannon preferred to stay on the defensive with him, evading as many of Rowan's attacks as she could without actually striking back at him to defend herself.

But sometimes Rowan would come close to taking hold of her, and Rhi didn't hesitate to do what was necessary to free herself.

After Rhiannon landed a roundhouse kick square on his jaw, Rowan cracked his neck uncomfortably and straightened himself. Damon fought the urge to break out in a round of applause.

That's my girl, he thought.

"Alright. You are ready," Rowan told her.

Rhiannon blinked, still locked in her defensive position.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you have reached your potential. There is nothing more that I can teach you," Rowan told her.

"So its time then?" Rhiannon asked him, still not quite believing his words.

Rowan nodded. "Yes, I will see about trying to find Elijah. I am certain he knows where Klaus is hiding."

And this is where I keep it to myself that I know where Klaus lives, Damon told himself.

"Hold on a minute! Just like that, she's ready to go fight Klaus, just because she can kick your ass?" Damon asked, nearly outraged with doubt.

"Are you doubting my abilities? If you think there is something more that you can teach Rhiannon, be my guest. I could use some entertainment while my jawbone reattaches itself to my skull." Rowan smirked.

Damon ignored his jab. "Aren't you at least a little concerned about sending her off to Klaus? I mean, have you at least tried to explore other options?"

Rowan stared at Damon for a long while wordlessly. "Rhiannon, will you please excuse us for a moment. I would like to have a word with Damon," he said to her, without taking his eyes off of Damon.

Rhiannon's eyes flickered back and forth between the two of them, trying to measure Rowan's mood decide if it was safe for Damon for her to leave.

"I will not harm him," Rowan said, sensing her concern. If his words had given her any doubt, Rhiannon saw in the depths of his grey eyes he was telling her the truth. She nodded slowly, smiled at Damon, and then walked to her room.

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