chapter 16

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Rhiannon's POV

Damon's mouth was on my neck, his lips and tongue caressing my wet skin in harmony. I doubt he had any clue how crazy he made me.

I tightened my grip around his shoulders, pulling him closer. My eyelids began to get heavy with lust, and when he caught my left earlobe between his teeth, I whimpered.

It was a small sound, but it didn't go unnoticed.

Damon leaned back slightly to look into my eyes and smiled the sexiest smile I had ever seen. Had I been wearing any panties, they would've hit the floor.

"I love you, Rhi," he whispered in his velvety voice. Damon's beautiful blue eyes were lit up with adoration. "I love you so much."

"Show me." The words flowed out of my mouth before my mind registered I was even speaking. His eyebrows shot up, obviously a little shocked at my request. Were I not so turned on and intoxicated by him, the look on his face would have been hilarious.

"What did you just say?" he asked, grinning devilishly.

"I said, show me," I purred seductively, tracing my fingers along his collarbone.

Damon's mouth crushed down on mine eagerly, and I groaned into his open mouth when he anchored my legs tightly around his waist.

And then he proceeded to show me just how much he loved me.

A few hours and positions later...

The two of us had moved from the shower, to the bathroom counter, to the door (yes, the door ) and had finally made it to my bed. I had been kissing him deeply while he was thrusting into me, when I my tongue raked over his protruded fangs. I forced my eyes open to look at him, and saw his eyes were dark with lust. Damon was all vamped out, and I felt my own fangs distend in response. I pulled his head down to my neck. He didn't need any more of an invitation than that. I felt his teeth puncture my skin and moaned loudly when I felt him begin sucking. I was surprised when I felt him stop abruptly.

"Bite me," Damon whispered roughly. Without knowing why, I hesitated for a moment. "You know you want to," he cajoled huskily right before he returned his mouth to my neck.

I sank my fangs into his carotid and felt him shudder against me. His blood rushed into my mouth, his delicious flavor so overwhelming I struggled hard to pace myself. The arousing combination of tasting him, feeling him taking blood from me, and the enjoyment we were reciprocating was enough to make me come undone. Again.

And then it happened.

"Oh, Rhiannon. Don't stop," I heard Damon's voice say.

I obeyed happily. Damon's flavor was heavenly, he tasted just like he smelled - delicious. I flipped him over on his back at lightning speed, and continued tasting him.

I didn't want to drain him, so after a few more minutes, I ran my tongue over his wound to close it. I crushed my mouth onto his, a little more aggressive than normal, letting the tastes of our bloods mix. I was nibbling on his lower lip, when I heard his voice again.

"God, I love it when you get a little rough."

"I know you do," I whispered against his lips.

"What?" he asked.

"I said, I know you do," I replied, slightly impatient. I was eager to resume kissing him and I knew damn well he had heard me. All vampires had excellent hearing.

"Rhiannon, I didn't say anything," Damon said, a truly puzzled look growing on his face.

"Yes, you did. You said you like it when I get a little rough." Why was I having to explain this to him?

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