Chapter 10

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3rd POV

Rhiannon was still seething, so full of rage that she could feel her fangs pressing sharply against her bottom lip. She watched impatiently while Rowan and the man called Elijah stared each other down.

"Will one of you say something?" she managed to spit out.

Elijah sighed after a moment. "I presume this is the child Isolde was carrying," he said, clearly speaking only to Rowan.

Rowan nodded reluctantly. There was another extended silence that Rhiannon found to be maddening. She knew she should probably be more concerned with Elijah's origins, and how he knew her mother and Rowan, but Rhiannon was overcome with the need to protect Damon. Everything else paled in comparison.

"What do you want with Damon?" she hissed as she took a threatening step closer to Elijah. Rhiannon ignored the wary glances Rowan was giving her.

Elijah met her eyes, but she saw no fear in them. "Your feelings are blinding your judgment. Just like your mother."

I have had about enough of this asshole, she thought.

At lightning speed, Rhiannon snapped the heel of her boot off and plunged it deeply into Elijah's chest, twisting it to rub against his heart. Elijah made a choking sound and was struggling to breathe, but he made no move to launch an attack against her.

Rowan stood silently. He disapproved of Rhiannon's impulsive actions, and he might've intervened, but after the crude comment he made about Isolde, Rowan thought that Elijah deserved what he got. He knew that Rhiannon sensed Elijah was a threat to Damon, and that already had her infuriated. So when Elijah made that quip about Isolde, he sent Rhiannon over the edge.

Rhiannon may have no idea who he is, but Elijah certainly doesn't know what she's capable of, Rowan thought to himself.

"Next time, I will not miss," Rhiannon sneered as she yanked the piece of wood from his chest, and took a few steps back. "Now let's try to again, what do you want with Damon?"

"Easy, kitten. Sheath those claws," came a voice coming up from behind her.

Rhiannon turned to look over her left shoulder to see Damon.

The sight of her in person was better than any vision or memory that coursed through Damon's mind. Her beauty was enough to make his breath catch in his throat. She was all vamped out, and he couldn't help but think how well it suited her. That dark red hair fell down her back in untamed waves, and there was a fire in her eyes he had not since in ages, not since that fateful carriage ride that had resulted in the death of six bandits and a gun shot wound of his own.

Damon finally managed to tear his gaze away from Rhiannon long enough to look meaningfully at Elijah, who looked to be recovering from a stake to the chest.

She staked an Original? Damon thought to himself. Damn! She has got some spunk. I like it.

Without hesitating, Rhiannon blurred over to place herself in front of Damon. Then Damon understood the fire in her eyes.

She is protecting me. She thinks Elijah wants to hurt me. That's the same look she had when she massacred those bandits that day.

Damon knew that she was more than capable in a fight, but it felt all wrong to him, allowing her to protect him. He wanted nothing more than to take Rhiannon in his arms and forget about everything else in this damned world.

Soon, he promised himself.

Damon placed his hands softly on Rhiannon's shoulders in an effort to calm her, and then stepped out from behind her and walked towards Elijah.

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